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  • Perchè scegliere noi ? | | Cancelli in alluminio automatici

    Perchè scegliere noi ? Scegliere cancelli e recinzioni in alluminio saldato di Alutrend offre una serie di vantaggi significativi, che li rendono una soluzione ideale per molteplici esigenze. Ecco una panoramica dettagliata dei principali benefici: Vantaggi dei cancelli e recinzioni in alluminio saldato di Alutrend 1 Fatti su misura: Il Valore dell'Artigianato Personalizzato Nel mondo odierno, dove la produzione di massa e l'omogeneità regnano sovrane, emergono sempre più prepotentemente il desiderio e la necessità di possedere qualcosa di unico e speciale. Ecco dove entra in gioco il concetto di "fatti su misura". Ma cosa significa realmente? Unicità e Personalizzazione Ogni elemento creato su misura viene realizzato in base alle specifiche esigenze del cliente. Che si tratti di un capo d'abbigliamento, di un mobile, o di un gadget tecnologico, l'attenzione al dettaglio e la personalizzazione sono fondamentali. Questo processo non solo assicura che il prodotto finale rispecchi perfettamente i desideri e le necessità del cliente, ma garantisce anche un livello di soddisfazione che gli articoli prodotti in serie difficilmente possono raggiungere. Il Processo di Creazione La creazione su misura inizia con un dialogo approfondito tra il cliente e l'artigiano o il designer. Si discutono le preferenze, i gusti, e le esigenze pratiche. Ogni dettaglio, dalla scelta dei materiali al design finale, viene attentamente considerato. Questo approccio collaborativo non solo rende il cliente parte integrante del processo creativo, ma assicura anche che il prodotto finale sia un'espressione autentica della sua personalità e dei suoi bisogni. Vantaggi del Su Misura Qualità Superiore: I prodotti fatti su misura sono spesso realizzati con materiali di alta qualità e con una maestria artigianale che garantisce una maggiore durata e resistenza. Adattabilità Perfetta: Ogni elemento è progettato per adattarsi perfettamente alle specifiche esigenze del cliente, sia in termini di funzionalità che di estetica. Esperienza Unica: Possedere qualcosa di unico, creato esclusivamente per sé, offre un senso di appartenenza e soddisfazione ineguagliabile. Valore Aggiunto: Un prodotto su misura può avere un valore sentimentale e, in molti casi, anche economico superiore rispetto ai prodotti di massa. 2 Assenza di Manutenzione: Un Vantaggio dell'Alluminio Saldato Nel mondo della costruzione e dell'industria, la scelta dei materiali può fare una grande differenza in termini di costi e longevità. Uno dei materiali che spicca per la sua straordinaria resistenza e durabilità è l'alluminio saldato. Grazie a queste caratteristiche, l'alluminio saldato richiede pochissima manutenzione, se non addirittura nessuna, nel corso del tempo. Questo si traduce in un risparmio significativo sia di tempo che di denaro. La Resistenza dell'Alluminio Saldato L'alluminio è noto per la sua resistenza alla corrosione. Quando viene saldato, questa caratteristica viene ulteriormente potenziata, creando strutture che possono resistere alle intemperie e all'usura quotidiana senza degradarsi. La resistenza dell'alluminio saldato significa che le strutture realizzate con questo materiale non richiedono interventi frequenti per mantenere la loro integrità e il loro aspetto originale. Durabilità a Lungo Termine Un altro grande vantaggio dell'alluminio saldato è la sua durabilità. Questo materiale mantiene la sua forma e funzionalità anche dopo anni di utilizzo. La durabilità è particolarmente importante in applicazioni dove la sicurezza e la stabilità sono critiche, come nelle costruzioni edili e nelle infrastrutture. La lunga durata dell'alluminio saldato si traduce in minori preoccupazioni per eventuali riparazioni o sostituzioni. Risparmio di Tempo e Denaro La combinazione di resistenza e durabilità dell'alluminio saldato porta a un notevole risparmio economico. Non dover pianificare e gestire interventi di manutenzione regolari libera risorse che possono essere allocate altrove. Inoltre, l'assenza di manutenzione riduce i tempi di inattività delle strutture, migliorando l'efficienza operativa. Conclusione Scegliere l'alluminio saldato per le proprie esigenze strutturali e industriali è una decisione saggia dal punto di vista economico e pratico. La resistenza e la durabilità di questo materiale assicurano che non ci sarà bisogno di costosi e dispendiosi interventi di manutenzione nel corso del tempo. Questo si traduce in un significativo risparmio di tempo e denaro, rendendo l'alluminio saldato una scelta intelligente per chiunque cerchi soluzioni durature e affidabili. 3 Adatti alle zone di mare: La resistenza alla corrosione dell'alluminio L'alluminio è un materiale straordinario, particolarmente indicato per installazioni in zone costiere grazie alla sua eccellente resistenza alla corrosione. Le aree vicino al mare sono caratterizzate da un'aria salmastra che può causare seri danni a molti materiali, ma l'alluminio si distingue per la sua durabilità anche in queste condizioni avverse. Uno dei maggiori vantaggi dell'alluminio è la sua capacità di formare uno strato protettivo di ossido sulla superficie, che agisce come una barriera contro l'umidità e gli agenti corrosivi. Questo lo rende ideale per una vasta gamma di applicazioni in ambienti marini, dalle strutture architettoniche alle componenti navali. Inoltre, la verniciatura dell'alluminio può essere certificata per resistere agli ambienti ad alta salinità, garantendo una protezione ulteriore contro la corrosione. Questa certificazione assicura che le superfici trattate mantengano il loro aspetto e le loro proprietà meccaniche nel tempo, anche quando esposte alle condizioni climatiche più estreme delle località di mare. L'alluminio non solo offre una soluzione resistente e durevole, ma consente anche una vasta gamma di finiture estetiche, permettendo di mantenere l'integrità strutturale senza compromettere l'aspetto visivo. Per questo motivo, è sempre più utilizzato in progetti costieri, dove la combinazione di bellezza e resistenza è fondamentale. Scegliere l'alluminio per le installazioni in zone costiere significa investire in un materiale che unisce funzionalità e longevità, proteggendo le strutture dall'aggressività dell'ambiente marino e garantendo al contempo una manutenzione minima e un'elevata resa estetica. 4 Certificati UNI-EN: La Qualità e Sicurezza dei Prodotti Alutrend Nel mondo odierno, la qualità e la sicurezza dei prodotti sono elementi imprescindibili per garantire prestazioni affidabili e durature. In questo contesto, i certificati UNI-EN rappresentano un marchio di eccellenza che testimonia la conformità agli standard europei più rigorosi. Alutrend è orgogliosa di annunciare che tutti i suoi prodotti rispettano pienamente questi standard. Cosa Sono i Certificati UNI-EN? I certificati UNI-EN sono riconoscimenti rilasciati in conformità alle normative europee, frutto di una collaborazione tra il Comitato Europeo di Normazione (CEN) e l'Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione (UNI). Questi certificati attestano che i prodotti rispettano criteri specifici di qualità, sicurezza e affidabilità, stabiliti da standard tecnici dettagliati. I Vantaggi dei Prodotti Certificati Alutrend Qualità Garantita: I prodotti Alutrend sono sottoposti a rigorosi controlli di qualità per assicurare che ogni pezzo sia conforme agli standard UNI-EN. Questo garantisce prestazioni elevate e costanti nel tempo. Sicurezza Ottimale: La conformità agli standard UNI-EN significa che i prodotti Alutrend non solo sono efficaci, ma anche sicuri per l'uso previsto. Questo riduce il rischio di incidenti e malfunzionamenti, offrendo tranquillità agli utenti. Affidabilità e Durabilità: Grazie alla rigorosa selezione dei materiali e ai processi produttivi avanzati, i prodotti Alutrend garantiscono una lunga durata, mantenendo le loro caratteristiche di efficienza e resistenza nel tempo. Conformità alle Normative Europee: Aderire agli standard UNI-EN significa essere in linea con le normative europee, un requisito fondamentale per la commercializzazione e l'uso dei prodotti in tutti i paesi dell'UE. L’Impegno di Alutrend L’impegno di Alutrend verso la qualità e la sicurezza è continuo e si riflette nella costante innovazione e miglioramento dei propri prodotti. L’ottenimento dei certificati UNI-EN non è un traguardo finale, ma un punto di partenza per continuare a garantire ai nostri clienti il meglio in termini di prestazioni e affidabilità. Affidarsi ai prodotti certificati Alutrend significa scegliere la sicurezza, la qualità e l’affidabilità che solo un’azienda con un forte impegno verso l’eccellenza può offrire. Scopri di più sui nostri prodotti e sulla nostra filosofia aziendale visitando il nostro sito web o contattandoci direttamente. Conclusione In un mercato sempre più competitivo, la scelta di prodotti certificati secondo gli standard UNI-EN rappresenta un valore aggiunto fondamentale. Alutrend è fiera di offrire soluzioni che non solo soddisfano ma superano le aspettative dei nostri clienti, garantendo prestazioni eccezionali e una sicurezza senza compromessi. 5 Massicci e resistenti alle intemperie: la forza dell’alluminio saldato Quando si tratta di proteggere la propria proprietà, la scelta dei materiali gioca un ruolo fondamentale. Tra le opzioni disponibili, i cancelli e le recinzioni in alluminio saldato si distinguono per la loro resistenza e longevità. Grazie alla loro struttura robusta e alla verniciatura certificata, questi prodotti offrono una difesa efficace contro le condizioni atmosferiche più avverse. L'alluminio è noto per essere leggero ma estremamente resistente, rendendolo ideale per costruzioni che devono durare nel tempo senza richiedere manutenzione costante. La saldatura dell’alluminio aggiunge un ulteriore strato di robustezza, creando una struttura che non si deforma facilmente e resiste agli urti e alle pressioni esterne. Un altro vantaggio significativo è la verniciatura certificata. Questo processo non solo migliora l'estetica dei cancelli e delle recinzioni, ma offre anche una protezione supplementare contro la corrosione e l'usura. Le vernici utilizzate sono progettate per r esistere agli agenti atmosferici, come pioggia, neve e raggi UV, mantenendo l’aspetto e la funzionalità del prodotto invariati nel tempo. In conclusione, optare per cancelli e recinzioni in alluminio saldato significa investire in una soluzione duratura e affidabile. Che si tratti di proteggere una residenza privata o un'area commerciale, questi prodotti offrono la massima resistenza contro le intemperie, garantendo sicurezza e tranquillità in ogni stagione. 6 Verniciatura Certificata: Garanzia di Qualità e Durata Nel mondo della verniciatura industriale, la certificazione è sinonimo di qualità e affidabilità. La verniciatura certificata degli elementi è il risultato di un processo rigoroso che prevede severi controlli di qualità in ogni fase. Questo approccio garantisce non solo un aspetto estetico eccellente, ma anche una protezione duratura contro la corrosione e altri agenti esterni. Controlli di Qualità Strutturati Ogni passaggio della verniciatura è sottoposto a verifiche dettagliate per assicurare che gli standard qualitativi siano rispettati. Dalla preparazione delle superfici alla scelta dei materiali vernicianti, ogni dettaglio è curato con la massima attenzione. I controlli includono l'ispezione visiva, test di adesione e resistenza, e verifiche di uniformità del colore e dello spessore del rivestimento. Estetica e Funzionalità La verniciatura certificata non si limita a conferire un aspetto estetico superiore agli elementi trattati, ma svolge anche un ruolo fondamentale nella loro protezione. Una finitura di alta qualità previene l'insorgere di ruggine e corrosione, allungando la vita utile dei prodotti e riducendo la necessità di manutenzione. Estetica e Funzionalità Un'altra componente chiave della verniciatura certificata è la sua capacità di offrire una protezione duratura nel tempo. Le vernici utilizzate sono formulate per resistere a condizioni ambientali avverse, come l'esposizione a raggi UV, umidità, e agenti chimici. Questo garantisce che gli elementi verniciati mantengano la loro integrità strutturale e il loro aspetto estetico per anni. In conclusione, optare per una verniciatura certificata significa investire in qualità, durata e protezione. Grazie ai rigorosi controlli di qualità e all'uso di materiali di eccellenza, la verniciatura certificata rappresenta la scelta ideale per chi desidera il meglio in termini di estetica e funzionalità. 7 Sottostruttura in acciaio: Robustezza e stabilità per tutti i cancelli ALUTREND La sottostruttura in acciaio è un elemento cruciale per garantire resistenza e stabilità a qualsiasi tipo di cancello. Questa struttura di supporto non solo assicura una lunga durata nel tempo, ma offre anche un ulteriore livello di sicurezza contro tentativi di effrazione e usura dovuta agli agenti atmosferici. Grazie alla sua solidità, una sottostruttura in acciaio può sopportare carichi pesanti e resistere a deformazioni, rendendola ideale per cancelli residenziali, commerciali e industriali. Investire in una sottostruttura di qualità significa fare una scelta a lungo termine per la protezione e l'affidabilità del proprio accesso. Automazione e altre opzioni: Comfort e sicurezza su misura La possibilità di equipaggiare i cancelli con sistemi di automazione rappresenta un significativo passo avanti in termini di comodità e sicurezza. I sistemi automatizzati permettono di aprire e chiudere i cancelli con facilità tramite telecomandi, tastiere, o persino smartphone, eliminando la necessità di scendere dall'auto in condizioni climatiche avverse. Inoltre, questi sistemi possono essere integrati con sensori di movimento, telecamere di sorveglianza e luci automatiche, offrendo un controllo completo e una maggiore sicurezza. Su richiesta, è possibile personalizzare ulteriormente i cancelli con una varietà di opzioni aggiuntive come serrature elettroniche, intercomunicazione video, e sistemi di allarme. Queste caratteristiche non solo migliorano la funzionalità del cancello, ma aggiungono anche un ulteriore livello di protezione per la tua proprietà. La possibilità di scegliere tra diverse opzioni consente di adattare il cancello alle specifiche esigenze dell'utente, garantendo la massima soddisfazione e tranquillità. 8 Ottimo Rapporto Qualità-Prezzo: Perché Scegliere Alutrend Quando si tratta di investire in prodotti di alta qualità, è essenziale trovare un equilibrio tra costo e prestazioni. Ecco perché Alutrend si distingue nel mercato. Nonostante le loro caratteristiche premium, i prodotti Alutrend offrono un eccellente rapporto qualità-prezzo, garantendo un investimento conveniente nel lungo termine. Caratteristiche Premium I prodotti Alutrend sono progettati con materiali di alta qualità e tecnologie all'avanguardia, assicurando durata e prestazioni superiori. Ogni dettaglio è curato per offrire un'esperienza d'uso senza pari, dalla resistenza agli agenti atmosferici alla facilità di manutenzione. Investimento Conveniente L'acquisto di un prodotto Alutrend non è solo una spesa, ma un investimento. Grazie alla loro lunga durata e alla bassa necessità di manutenzione, i prodotti Alutrend rappresentano una scelta economicamente vantaggiosa nel tempo. Questo significa che, sebbene l'investimento iniziale possa essere superiore rispetto ad alternative di qualità inferiore, i costi complessivi si riducono grazie alla minore frequenza di sostituzioni e riparazioni. Valore Aggiunto Oltre alle caratteristiche tecniche e alla durata, i prodotti Alutrend aggiungono valore estetico e funzionale ai vostri spazi. Sia che si tratti di strutture per esterni, arredi o altre soluzioni, l'eleganza e la robustezza dei prodotti Alutrend migliorano la qualità della vita e l'aspetto della vostra casa o del vostro ufficio. Conclusione Scegliere Alutrend significa optare per un marchio che unisce eccellenza e convenienza. L'ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo dei loro prodotti rende ogni acquisto una decisione intelligente, garantendo benefici che durano nel tempo. Investite in Alutrend per godere di prodotti che non solo soddisfano, ma superano le aspettative. 9 Installazione su tutto il Territorio Italiano Rete di rivenditori e installatori professionisti La nostra rete di numerosi rivenditori e installatori qualificati assicura un servizio di alta qualità e un'assistenza capillare in tutto il territorio nazionale. Ogni membro del nostro team è accuratamente selezionato e formato per garantire che i prodotti Alutrend siano installati correttamente e funzionino al meglio delle loro capacità. Questo ci permette di offrirvi non solo prodotti di eccellenza, ma anche un supporto tecnico affidabile e tempestivo, ovunque voi siate. Scegliere Alutrend significa scegliere competenza, professionalità e la certezza di un risultato impeccabile. Come Funziona il Servizio di Installazione? Consulenza Iniziale: Dopo aver scelto il prodotto Alutrend più adatto alle tue esigenze, organizziamo una consulenza per valutare i dettagli dell'installazione. Pianificazione: Un team di esperti pianificherà l'installazione, considerando le specificità del tuo progetto e ottimizzando tempi e risorse. Installazione: I nostri installatori certificati si occuperanno di tutto il processo, assicurandosi che il lavoro sia svolto a regola d'arte. Collaudo e Assistenza: Al termine dell'installazione, eseguiremo un collaudo per garantire il corretto funzionamento del prodotto. Inoltre, offriamo un servizio di assistenza post-installazione per qualsiasi necessità futura. Copertura Nazionale Da nord a sud, passando per le isole, la nostra rete di installatori è sempre pronta a intervenire. Questo significa che non importa dove ti trovi, puoi sempre contare su Alutrend per un servizio di installazione impeccabile. Affidati alla nostra esperienza e professionalità per migliorare il tuo spazio con le soluzioni Alutrend. Contattaci oggi stesso per scoprire come possiamo aiutarti a realizzare il tuo progetto, ovunque tu sia in Italia. Grazie alla presenza di installatori professionisti in tutta Italia, è possibile usufruire dei vantaggi dei prodotti Alutrend ovunque nel paese. Siamo orgogliosi di offrire un servizio di installazione capillare che garantisce la massima efficienza e qualità. Non importa se abitate in una grande città o in un piccolo paese: i nostri esperti sono pronti ad assistervi e a fornirvi soluzioni su misura per le vostre esigenze.

  • New & Progetti | Cancelli e recinzioni in alluminio |

    Collezioni Cancelli NEW & PROGETTI Progetti Esplora l'eccellenza dei nostri cancelli in alluminio: la scelta senza problemi per valorizzare la tua casa! Senza pensieri alla manutenzione: Dimentica l'incubo di dover dipingere o riverniciare! Il nostro cancello richiede solo una semplice pulizia con acqua saponata una volta al mese. Risparmia tempo e goditi un cancello sempre splendente! Forza e durata senza rivali: Costruito con un profilo in alluminio robusto DI SPESSORE 5 mm e realizzato con saldature di alta qualità, il nostro cancello è resistente come una roccia. Affidati alla sua forza superiore e alla sua resistenza alle intemperie. Addio alla ruggine, deformazioni e marciume! Convenienza garantita: I cancelli in alluminio non solo sono più accessibili di quanto pensi, ma il nostro prodotto supera la concorrenza in termini di durabilità. Evita le spese ricorrenti di sostituzione e manutenzione, risparmiando tempo e denaro nel lungo termine. Investi nella qualità! Automazione senza problemi: Grazie alla leggerezza del nostro cancello in alluminio, otterrai una soluzione di automazione più efficiente e durevole. Riduci l'usura dei motori e goditi una durata maggiore per il tuo sistema di automazione. Una scelta intelligente che si ripaga! Personalizzato solo per te: Il nostro cancello in alluminio viene realizzato su misura per soddisfare le tue esigenze esclusive. Scegli il design e il colore che rispecchiano il tuo stile. Hai in mente un cancello unico? Con il nostro servizio di progettazione personalizzata, trasformiamo la tua visione in realtà! Qualità e precisione garantite: Utilizziamo software CAD all'avanguardia per fornirti un disegno dettagliato del tuo cancello. Avrai una visione chiara del risultato finale e noi avremo tutte le informazioni necessarie per un'installazione impeccabile. Affidati alla nostra esperienza! Cogli questa straordinaria opportunità e punti sulla qualità e l'eleganza del nostro cancello in alluminio. Non permettere ai compromessi di limitarti! Progetto N.1 +Vedi Progetto N.2 +Vedi Progetto N.3 +Vedi Progetto N.4 +Vedi Progetto N.5 +Vedi Progetto N.6 +Vedi Progetto N.7 +Vedi Progetto N.8 +Vedi Progetto N.9 +Vedi Progetto N.10 +Vedi Progetto N.11 +Vedi Progetto N.12 +Vedi Progetto N.13 +Vedi Progetto N.14 +Vedi Progetto N.15 +Vedi Progetto N.16 +Vedi Progetto N.17 +Vedi Progetto N.18 +Vedi Progetto N.19 +Vedi Progetto N.20 +Vedi Progetto N.21 +Vedi Progetto N.22 +Vedi Progetto N.23 +Vedi Progetto N.24 +Vedi Progetto N.25 +Vedi Progetto N.26 +Vedi Progetto N.27 +Vedi Progetto N.28 +Vedi Progetto N.29 +Vedi Progetto N.30 +Vedi PAGINA 1 PAGINA 2 PAGINA 3 PAGINA 4 PAGINA 5

  • Notice of not responsible for the translation |

    Collezioni Cancelli AVVISO SULLA TRADUZIONE Translation notice THE SERVICE MAY CONTAIN TRANSLATIONS BASED ON GOOGLE TECHNOLOGY. GOOGLE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES RELATED TO TRANSLATION, IMPLIED OR EXPRESS, INCLUDING ALL WARRANTIES OF ACCURACY, RELIABILITY AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. The website has been translated for your convenience using translation software based on Google Translate technology. ​ Every reasonable effort has been made to provide an accurate translation, however machine translation cannot be perfect nor is it intended to replace human translation. ​ Translations are provided as a service to users of the website and are provided "as is". ​ No guarantees of any kind, explicit or implicit, are offered regarding the accuracy, reliability or correctness of the translations made from the language into another language. ​ Some content (such as images, videos, Flash, etc.) may not be translated accurately due to the limitations of the translation software. The official text is the language version Italian website. Any discrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding and have no legal force for legal compliance or enforcement purposes. If you have any questions about the accuracy of the information contained on the translated website, please consult the Italian language version of the website, which is the official version.

  • Ringhiere e recinzioni in alluminio | Perugia | | Italia

    Collezione Cancelli in alluminio Collezione RECINZIONI CLASSICHE Recinzioni Classiche The aluminum fence and gate are essential tools to protect your home and ensure privacy, but they can also be a design element to beautify the exterior of your property. As a manufacturer of fences, railings and balconies since 1972, we specialize in using aluminum to create high quality fences and panels that are elegantly designed and durable. We deal with the design and production of custom-made aluminum fences, offering collections with different styles to meet every need. We are sure you will find the perfect fence for your environment. Our collections combine aluminum fences, railings and balconies, together with gates, to create a harmonious whole around your property. If you are looking for fence ideas for the garden, we invite you to discover our different product ranges. By choosing our aluminum fences, you can count on resistant and reliable products, capable of protecting your property and guaranteeing your privacy, without compromising the aesthetics of your outdoor space. We are at your disposal for any request for information or personalized quotes. Iside RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO Modello ISIDE codice : CR 009 Code: CR009 Combined with the gates of the RIBATTINO line, this aluminum fence boasts a wrought iron style. Its tapered studs and rivets add a touch of elegance to its design. The aluminum fence is also very strong and durable, thanks to its high-quality construction. In addition, its finish gives it a rustic and traditional look, which fits perfectly into any outdoor setting. The fence is available in different sizes and colors to meet the needs of each customer. With its combination of beauty and functionality, the aluminum fence of the RIBATTINO line is the ideal choice for those looking for a high quality product for their property. ALUMINUM FENCE Model ISIDE code: CR/009 RSL "Without spears" ALUMINUM PARAPET Model ISIDE code: CR/009 PA " With Handrail " ALUMINUM FENCE ISIDE model code: CR/010 RL " With spears " Ingryd RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO Modello INGRYD codice : CR 004 The aluminum fence is also very strong and durable, thanks to its high quality construction. In addition, its finish gives it a rustic and traditional look, which fits perfectly into any outdoor setting. The fence is available in different sizes and colors to meet the needs of each customer. With its combination of beauty and functionality, the aluminum fence of the RIBATTINO line is the ideal choice for those looking for a high quality product for their property. ALUMINUM FENCE Model INGRYD code: CR/004 RSL "Without spears" ALUMINUM FENCE Model INGRYD code : CR/004 RL " With spears " ALUMINUM PARAPET Model INGRYD code : CR/004 PA " With Handrail " Ilaria RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO codice : RLS003 Code: RLS003 Paired with gates from the TRADITIONAL line, this aluminum fence features a wrought iron style with intricate detailing of central fleur-de-lys and spears. This fence is not only visually appealing but is also very strong and durable due to its high quality construction. Its rustic, traditional finish blends seamlessly into any outdoor setting. Available in various sizes and colors, this fence meets the needs of every customer. The TRADITIONAL aluminum fence line is the perfect choice for those looking for a high quality product that combines beauty and functionality for their property. ALUMINUM FENCE Model ILARIA code: RLS003 " With spears " ALUMINUM FENCE Model ILARIA code: RLS003 " Without spears " ALUMINUM PARAPET Model ILARIA code: RLS003 " With Handrail " Isabel RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO codice : RLG009 Code: RLS009 Complementing the TRADITIONAL line of gates, this aluminum fence boasts elegant wrought iron styling with intricate center studs and spears. This fence is not only visually appealing but is also very strong and durable due to its high quality construction. Its rustic, traditional finish blends seamlessly into any outdoor setting. Available in various sizes and colors, this fence meets the needs of every customer. The TRADITIONAL aluminum fence line is the perfect choice for those looking for a high quality product that combines beauty and functionality for their property. RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO Modello ISABEL Con lance RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO Modello ISABEL Senza lance PARAPETTO IN ALLUMINIO Modello ISABEL Con corrimano Iris RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO codice : RLS 007 Code: RLS007 Complementing the TRADITIONAL line of gates, this aluminum fence boasts an elegant wrought iron style with intricate centerpieces and spears. This fence is not only visually appealing but is also very strong and durable due to its high quality construction. Its rustic, traditional finish blends seamlessly into any outdoor setting. Available in various sizes and colors, this fence meets the needs of every customer. The TRADITIONAL aluminum fence line is the perfect choice for those looking for a high quality product that combines beauty and functionality for their property. RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO Modello IRIS Con lance RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO Modello IRIS Senza lance PARAPETTO IN ALLUMINIO Modello IRIS Con corrimano Ilary RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO codice : RLS 003 Code: RLS003 Complementing the TRADITIONAL line of gates, this aluminum fence boasts an elegant wrought iron style with intricate centerpieces and spears. This fence is not only visually appealing but is also very strong and durable due to its high quality construction. Its rustic, traditional finish blends seamlessly into any outdoor setting. Available in various sizes and colors, this fence meets the needs of every customer. The TRADITIONAL aluminum fence line is the perfect choice for those looking for a high quality product that combines beauty and functionality for their property. RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO Modello ILARY Con lance RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO Modello ILARY Senza lance PARAPETTO IN ALLUMINIO Modello ILARY Con corrimano Inas RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO codice : RLS 005 Code: RLS005 Complementing the TRADITIONAL line of gates, this aluminum fence boasts an elegant wrought iron style with intricate centerpieces and spears. This fence is not only visually appealing but is also very strong and durable due to its high quality construction. Its rustic, traditional finish blends seamlessly into any outdoor setting. Available in various sizes and colors, this fence meets the needs of every customer. The TRADITIONAL aluminum fence line is the perfect choice for those looking for a high quality product that combines beauty and functionality for their property. RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO Modello INAS Senza lance ALUMINUM FENCE INAS model code: RLS / 005 " With lance " ALUMINUM PARAPET INAS model code: PA / 005 " With Handrail " Irma RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO codice : R 005 Code: RLS005 Complementing the TRADITIONAL line of gates, this aluminum fence boasts an elegant wrought iron style with intricate centerpieces and spears. This fence is not only visually appealing but is also very strong and durable due to its high quality construction. Its rustic, traditional finish blends seamlessly into any outdoor setting. Available in various sizes and colors, this fence meets the needs of every customer. The TRADITIONAL aluminum fence line is the perfect choice for those looking for a high quality product that combines beauty and functionality for their property. RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO Modello IRMA Senza lance PARAPETTO IN ALLUMINIO Modello IRMA Con corrimano Ivana RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO codice : R 012 Code: RLS005 Complementing the TRADITIONAL line of gates, this aluminum fence boasts an elegant wrought iron style with intricate centerpieces and spears. This fence is not only visually appealing but is also very strong and durable due to its high quality construction. Its rustic, traditional finish blends seamlessly into any outdoor setting. Available in various sizes and colors, this fence meets the needs of every customer. The TRADITIONAL aluminum fence line is the perfect choice for those looking for a high quality product that combines beauty and functionality for their property. RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO Modello IVANA Senza lance PARAPETTO IN ALLUMINIO Modello IVANA Con corrimano Trachey RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO codice : B 002 Code: RLS005 Complementing the TRADITIONAL line of gates, this aluminum fence boasts an elegant wrought iron style with intricate centerpieces and spears. This fence is not only visually appealing but is also very strong and durable due to its high quality construction. Its rustic, traditional finish blends seamlessly into any outdoor setting. Available in various sizes and colors, this fence meets the needs of every customer. The TRADITIONAL aluminum fence line is the perfect choice for those looking for a high quality product that combines beauty and functionality for their property. RECINZIONE IN ALLUMINIO Modello TRACHEY senza lance PARAPETTO IN ALLUMINIO Modello TRACHEY Con corrimano Isa The ISA fence and parapet, code R 017, is an addition to the TRADITIONAL line of gates. Made from aluminium, this fence offers an elegant wrought iron style with intricate designs lasered onto the 4mm thick aluminum sheet. Not only is it aesthetically appealing, but it is also extremely strong and durable thanks to its high-quality construction. Its design integrates perfectly into any outdoor environment. ALUMINUM FENCE ISA model code: R/017 ALUMINUM PARAPET ISA model code: R/017 " With Handrail " Arco The wrought iron style aluminum fence code R 012/ARCO is ideal to combine with the gates of the TRADITIONAL line. This fence features an elegant and classic design, inspired by wrought iron, but made of lightweight aluminum. Decorative details such as studs and spears add further beauty and detail to the fence, adding a distinctive touch to its overall appearance. Thanks to the combination of durable materials and a refined design, this fence offers a great solution for delimiting and decorating your outdoor space . La Palma The wrought iron style aluminum fence code R 012/ARCO is ideal to combine with the gates of the TRADITIONAL line. This fence features an elegant and classic design, inspired by wrought iron, but made of lightweight aluminum. Decorative details such as studs and spears add further beauty and detail to the fence, adding a distinctive touch to its overall appearance. Thanks to the combination of durable materials and a refined design, this fence offers a great solution for delimiting and decorating your outdoor space .

  • Terms and conditions of sales |

    Collezioni Cancelli TERMINI E CONDIZIONI DI VENDITA Terms and conditions of sale ALUTREND is a brand of CASA di Pericolini Valter Via del Puglia, snc Loc. Bivio Pomonte GUALDO CATTANEO 06035 (PG) Terms and conditions of sale of ALUTREND 1. Prices 1.1. All quotes are based on current prices. The price under any contract, concluded on the basis of an offer or otherwise, will be calculated based on the Company's prices in effect on the date of delivery. 1.2. The prices and discounts indicated in any price list are subject to change without notice and any new price list cancels all previous price lists. 1.3. The prices indicated and those indicated in the price lists are VAT excluded 1.4. The prices indicated are ex works. Delivery will be charged separately. 2. Payment 2.1. Office sales. All aluminum products for gates and fences require a minimum deposit of 50% to order and the balance (including freight where applicable) to be paid when the gate is ready for delivery and prior to shipment. 2.2. Online and telephone sales. Online orders require full payment with the order. 2.3. Aluminum gates and fences are made to order. Gates and fences are customized and made to measure for each order. As such, they are not covered by distance selling regulations 2.4. Once an order has been confirmed and manufacturing has started, payments will not be refunded. 2.5. Once confirmed, orders for aluminum gates and fences cannot be canceled and design changes after confirmation will be chargeable 2.6. An order is confirmed upon receipt of the correct deposit payment and the signed and dated confirmation of the project. 2.7. Receipts are not issued for checks unless requested 2.8. Customers paying by check must produce a valid bank card unless payment is made at least 5 days prior to shipment of the goods or materials to be paid for. 3. Quality and description 3.1. Without prejudice to the aspects indicated in the following clause, all goods and materials supplied must: 3.1.1. Comply with quality, quantity and description with the details indicated in the order confirmation. 3.1.2. be of solid materials and workmanship 3.1.3. be equal in all respects to the written specifications provided 3.1.4. if the purpose for which they are requested is expressly indicated in the order or by indication, be suitable for that purpose. 4. Measurements 4.1. Weight specifications are approximate only. 4.2. The ordered items will be manufactured according to the measurements provided by the customer. 4.3. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that the specifications of the gate / fence to be supplied are correct. 4.4. Each order will be issued with a confirmation drawing indicating what must be supplied and no manufacturing will begin until this has been signed, dated and confirmed by the customer. 5. Customer Guarantee The customer guarantees: 5.1. That the Client will carefully examine all goods and materials supplied and will inform the Company in writing of any deficiency, defect or other non-compliance with the contract which is, or should be evident in such examination, within 24 hours of their collection or delivery. 5.2. Who will notify the Company in writing within 24 hours of becoming aware of any deficiency, defect or other non-fulfillment of the contract that did not result from the aforementioned examination. 6. Consumer sales 6.1. Where a customer deals with a consumer as defined by Section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1977, the goods and materials are provided with the benefit where the terms and warranties implied by sections 12-15 including the Sale of Goods Act apply. 1979 6.2 In other cases goods and materials are provided only with the benefit where the same applies of the condition and warranties implied by section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979. 6.3. Aluminum gates and fences are made to order. Gates and fences are customized and made to measure for each order. As such, they are not covered by distance selling regulations 7. Company Limitation of Liability 7.1. Save as indicated above and save as expressly indicated the products are not provided, or subject to, any conditions, warranties or other terms, whether express or implied, unless expressly indicated by the Company in writing. 7.2. In no event, except in the event of death or personal injury caused by the Company's negligence, the Company's liability (in the contract or otherwise) to the Client arising out of, or in connection with or with, this Agreement or the goods or materials supplied exceeds the cost of replacing or repairing goods or materials for which a complaint has been made. Furthermore and in any event the Company assumes no liability for any consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of profit or otherwise) costs, expenses or other consequential claims of any kind. 7.3. the Company will in no way be liable for any cost or expense incurred by the Client in the repair or replacement of goods or materials unless the Company was initially offered a reasonable opportunity to replace or repair them provided the Client has the right to make repairs or replacements before offering an opportunity that may reasonably be necessary to prevent further loss or damage to the Customer. 8. Cancellation, 8.1. Once an order has been confirmed and manufacturing has started, the order cannot be canceled and payments will not be refunded 8.2. The deposit is non-refundable after the confirmation has been signed and returned. The order must be paid in full when the goods are ready for shipment. 8.3. In the event of suspension of work by the Client's instructions or due to lack of instructions, the Company shall have the right to increase the price by an amount which it deems reasonable to cover any additional expenses resulting from such suspension. 9. Credits 9.1. No custom made goods can be returned for credit. 9.2. Once an order has been confirmed and manufacturing has started, payments will not be refunded 9.3. The deposit credit is non-refundable after the project confirmation has been returned 9.4. Once confirmed, orders for aluminum gates and fences cannot be canceled and design changes after confirmation will be chargeable 9.5. Goods that are generally stored (i.e. gate automation equipment) can be returned by credit with the written consent of the Company 9.6. Where the company agrees to re-credit such goods or materials for credit (clause 9.5), a management fee of 20% will be deducted from the credit amount along with the Company's reasonable expenses if any for the delivery of such goods or materials to and / or by collecting them from the customer site or premises. 9.7. No non-defective and contractually compliant product or material may be returned without the written consent of the Company 9.8. No credit will be given for goods or materials returned without the written consent of the Company to the extent that the Customer ascertains to the satisfaction of the Company (such satisfaction must be expressed in writing) that such goods or materials are defective or otherwise not in compliance with the contract. 10. Delivery . 10.1. While the Company will do its best to meet any delivery dates indicated or agreed by it, such dates are estimates provided in good faith only and the Company will not be liable in the event that the delivery period is exceeded or accelerated for any reason. 10.2. Aluminum gates and fences normally last around 6-8 weeks from order confirmation to delivery. This can be extended for special orders 10.3. Orders cannot be accepted on the basis of fixed delivery dates / times. The notification will provide advance shipping and delivery dates. 10.4. Where applicable, customers must ensure that there are sufficient facilities at the delivery address to unload their order 10.5. All deliveries must be checked immediately upon arrival and we must be notified within 24 hours of any damage or discrepancies 10.6. Delivery will take place at the customer's premises, unless otherwise agreed in writing. 10.7. Where the Company undertakes to deliver goods or materials to the site, the Client must ensure that the Company's vehicles (or agents of the Company) have adequate access and a difficult road to and from the site sufficient to allow delivery of the goods or materials and vehicles depart with all reasonable speed. 10.8. The customer or his representative must ensure that enough people are present to help unload the goods. 11. Title and risk. 11.1. The delivered goods or materials will remain the property of the Company until all goods for which payment is due to the Company by the Client have been paid, but will be at the Client's risk after delivery. 12. Variations to be ordered 12.1. Any quotes or agreements incorporating these terms and conditions or any of them may only be changed in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the Company. 13. Limitation 13.1. No representative of the Company other than a director or the Secretary of the Company has the authority to agree on any other or additional terms or conditions or to vary or waive any of the terms or conditions set forth herein and only if done in writing.

  • Cancelli in alluminio monoblocchi automatici | Italia

    Collezione Cancelli in alluminio Monoblocchi Monoblocco AUTOMATIK modulari AUTOMATIK MODULARE sono cancelli di alta qualità e robustezza strutturale, perfetti per garantire la massima sicurezza alla tua proprietà. Il cancellone AUTOMATIK MODULARE, in particolare, è composto da colonne da 200mm x 200mm e da una trave incassata nel calcestruzzo, il che lo rende estremamente rinforzato e indeformabile. Grazie alla sua superiorità in termini di stabilità e durata, questi cancelli durano più a lungo rispetto ad altri cancelli sul mercato. La loro installazione è anche estremamente semplice e veloce, richiedendo solo poche ore di lavoro con l'ausilio di una gru, senza causare alcun tipo di inconvenienti per il cliente. Inoltre, l'installazione di questi cancelli include tutti i lavori di muratura necessari, garantendo una soluzione completa e professionale per la tua proprietà. TUTTI I NOSTRI CANCELLI POSSONO ESSERE DOTATI DI MONOBLOCCO AUTOMATICO MODULARE AUTOMATIK AUTOMATIK: The first turnkey automatic gate. ​ Automatik Chiavi in Mano represents the ideal solution for those looking for a high quality monobloc automatic gate. Thanks to the integrated automation, this product has been completely designed and manufactured in the factory, thus ensuring maximum efficiency and safety. With Automatik, ALUTREND offers an exclusive product characterized by high professional standards. It is a unique and exclusive product offered by ALUTREND. AUTOMATIK AUTOMATIK: The first turnkey automatic gate. ​ Automatik Chiavi in Mano represents the ideal solution for those looking for a high quality monobloc automatic gate. Thanks to the integrated automation, this product has been completely designed and manufactured in the factory, thus ensuring maximum efficiency and safety. With Automatik, ALUTREND offers an exclusive product characterized by high professional standards. It is a unique and exclusive product offered by ALUTREND. TUTTI I NOSTRI CANCELLI POSSONO ESSERE DOTATI DI MONOBLOCCO MODULARE AUTOMATIK AUTOMATIK: The first turnkey automatic gate. ​ Automatik Chiavi in Mano represents the ideal solution for those looking for a high quality monobloc automatic gate. Thanks to the integrated automation, this product has been completely designed and manufactured in the factory, thus ensuring maximum efficiency and safety. With Automatik, ALUTREND offers an exclusive product characterized by high professional standards. It is a unique and exclusive product offered by ALUTREND. AUTOMATIK AUTOMATIK: The first turnkey automatic gate. ​ Automatik Chiavi in Mano represents the ideal solution for those looking for a high quality monobloc automatic gate. Thanks to the integrated automation, this product has been completely designed and manufactured in the factory, thus ensuring maximum efficiency and safety. With Automatik, ALUTREND offers an exclusive product characterized by high professional standards. It is a unique and exclusive product offered by ALUTREND. AUTOMATIK is a superior quality monobloc with a non-deformable load-bearing structure ​ AUTOMATIK is a monobloc gate made up of columns joined to a beam which is embedded in the concrete, thus creating a non-deformable reinforced structure. This guarantees stability, strength and durability that is clearly superior to other gates. Furthermore, its monobloc structure has the advantage of allowing it to be installed with a mobile crane in just one working day, without any inconvenience for the customer. Our workers also carry out all the masonry work necessary for installation.

  • Certifications |

    Collezione Cancelli in alluminio LE NOSTRE CERTIFICAZIONI World ALUTREND With our state-of-the-art technology, we ensure that the product lasts a long time, thus reducing routine maintenance interventions and related costs. We are aware that costs are a crucial factor for all businesses and we have thought of this when developing our product. Our aim is to offer a high quality product at a competitive price, ensuring excellent value for money. Furthermore, the reduction in maintenance costs will save our customers money in the long run, providing an additional competitive advantage. Welcome to our company, where innovation is our mantra and quality is our philosophy. We are proud to present you our revolutionary product which is changing the game on the European market. We have studied the market behavior and the needs of our customers to create a product that meets all the requirements. Our product has been specially designed to withstand the elements, even the most extreme weather conditions, without compromising quality or effectiveness La certificazione CE è essenzialmente una garanzia di SICUREZZA. Qualsiasi prodotto venga venduto all’interno del mercato europeo deve rientrare in normative specifiche. Nel caso di aperture che, in fase di movimento, potrebbero causare danno a cose o persone, anche per i cancelli, la Comunità Europea ha stabilito dei parametri di costruzione e funzionamento al fine di garantire la SICUREZZA di coloro che vivono e si muovono attorno a tale oggetto. In sintesi, la certificazione CE per cancelli garantisce la sicurezza delle persone che vivono o si muovono attorno a questo prodotto. La normativa europea prevede requisiti di costruzione e funzionamento specifici per garantire la sicurezza. L'installazione di prodotti non certificati è vietata e sanzionata dalle autorità. La certificazione deve essere effettuata da enti abilitati e riconosciuti a livello europeo. La mancanza di certificazione può comportare sanzioni amministrative e sanzioni penali. Inoltre, può anche comportare la nullità del contratto o il risarcimento dei danni. Alutrend ha scelto SGM Experimentations come laboratorio autorizzato dal Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti per effettuare i test sulla resistenza alle intemperie dei propri prodotti in alluminio. Questo garantisce maggiore attendibilità e affidabilità dei risultati ottenuti. Tutte queste certificazioni garantiscono la qualità e la sicurezza dei cancelli Alutrend, in particolare per quanto riguarda la resistenza alle intemperie e alla pressione del vento, la stabilità meccanica, l'apertura sicura e la manovrabilità. Inoltre, l'assenza di rilascio di sostanze pericolose durante il loro utilizzo conferma la loro sicurezza anche per l'ambiente circostante. Certification single-leaf aluminum gate with sliding opening, in the classroom 3 Certification Single-leaf aluminum gate with swing opening with 2 hinges and a closing lock, in class 2 Certification ​ One-leaf aluminum gate with sliding opening, class 2/3

  • Cancelli in alluminio saldato | Collezione EVOINFINITY

    Collezione Cancelli in alluminio Collezione EVOINFINITY Alutrend offers a high quality aluminum gate called LASER EVO INFINITY, which combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. This gate is designed to protect and enhance your property, offering an uncompromising security experience. The LASER INFINITY is made with the highest quality materials and patented by Alutrend. The edge profiles are made of solid aluminum with a diameter of 60 mm and a wall thickness of 5 mm. The sheet used is made of aluminum with a thickness of 4 mm. This combination of materials gives the gate strength and durability. In addition to its robustness, the LASER INFINITY gate stands out for its modern design. Thanks to the use of advanced technologies in its construction, it offers maximum security to protect your property from unwanted intrusions. But beauty and safety are not the only advantages offered by the LASER INFINITY gate. This gate is also easy to install and use, providing a comfortable and functional experience. The LASER INFINITY range by Alutrend therefore represents the perfect choice for those who want a reliable gate that combines safety and modernity. To ensure the tranquility and security of your property, choose the aluminum LASER INFINITY gate by Alutrend. Contact the company today for more information and let their experts guide you to the perfect solution for your needs. Model K im I NFINITY K im I NFINITY Swing c ode : 001 /S The LASER EVO INFINITY two-leaf opening gate by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K im I NFINITY Sliding c od e : 001 /S The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with side sliding opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K im I NFINITY Pedestrian c ode : 001 /P The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with pedestrian opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. Model K elly I NFINITY K elly I NFINITY Swing c ode : 002 /B The LASER EVO INFINITY two-leaf opening gate by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K elly I NFINITY Sliding c od e : 002 /S The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with side sliding opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K elly I NFINITY Pedestrian c ode : 002 /P The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with pedestrian opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. Model K arim I NFINITY K arim I NFINITY Swing c ode : 003 /B The LASER EVO INFINITY two-leaf opening gate by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K arim I NFINITY Sliding c od e : 003 /S The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with side sliding opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K arim I NFINITY Pedestrian c ode : 003 /P The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with pedestrian opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. Model K aren I NFINITY K aren I NFINITY Swing c ode : 004 /B The LASER EVO INFINITY two-leaf opening gate by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K aren I NFINITY Sliding c od e : 004 /S The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with side sliding opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K aren I NFINITY Pedestrian c ode : 004 /P The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with pedestrian opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. Model K arl I NFINITY K arl I NFINITY Swing c ode : 005 / B The LASER EVO INFINITY two-leaf opening gate by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K arl I NFINITY Sliding c od e : 005 /S The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with side sliding opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K arl I NFINITY Pedestrian c ode : 005 /P The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with pedestrian opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. Model K elvin I NFINITY K elvin I NFINITY Swing c ode : 006 / B The LASER EVO INFINITY two-leaf opening gate by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K elvin INFINITY Sliding c od e : 006 /S The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with side sliding opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K elvin INFINITY Pedestrian c ode : 006 /P The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with pedestrian opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. Model K ate I NFINITY K ate INFINITY Swing c ode : 007 / B The LASER EVO INFINITY two-leaf opening gate by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K ate INFINITY Sliding c od e : 007 /S The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with side sliding opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K ate INFINITY Pedestrian c ode : 007 /P The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with pedestrian opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. Model K e n I NFINITY K e n INFINITY Swing c ode : 008 / B The LASER EVO INFINITY two-leaf opening gate by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K e n INFINITY Sliding c od e : 008 /S The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with side sliding opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K e n INFINITY Pedestrian c ode : 008 /P The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with pedestrian opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. Model K ledi I NFINITY K ledi INFINITY Swing c ode : 009 / B The LASER EVO INFINITY two-leaf opening gate by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K ledi INFINITY Sliding c od e : 009 /S The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with side sliding opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K ledi INFINITY Pedestrian c ode : 009 /P The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with pedestrian opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. Model K ing I NFINITY K ing INFINITY Swing c ode : 010 / B The LASER EVO INFINITY two-leaf opening gate by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K ing INFINITY Sliding c od e : 010 /S The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with side sliding opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. K ing INFINITY Pedestrian c ode : 010 /P The LASER EVO INFINITY gate with pedestrian opening by Alutrend combines safety, beauty and cutting-edge technology. Made with high quality materials and patented by the company, it offers resistance and durability over time thanks to its solid aluminum perimeter profiles and 4 mm thick aluminum sheet. This gate also stands out for its modern design and maximum safety guaranteed by the advanced technologies used in its construction. It is easy to install and operate, providing you with a comfortable and functional experience. Product features The thermo-lacquered paint provides a finish resistant to atmospheric agents and UV rays, thus ensuring a long life and easy maintenance. TIG and pulsed arc welding guarantees a perfect seal and greater mechanical resistance compared to traditional welding. The gate is designed to withstand the elements and open stresses, making it an ideal outdoor solution. The aluminum structure makes the gate light, but sturdy and resistant at the same time. The combination of welded and painted aluminum profiles with stainless steel elements provides excellent resistance to corrosion and rust. The structure of the gate is designed to guarantee high stability and resistance over time. The choice of high quality materials and careful workmanship guarantee an excellent quality product that can last for a long time and maintain its aesthetic appearance over time. Our finishes Our company uses a standard painting process for its products. The process includes several stages such as sandblasting, washing, drying, application of qualicoat polyester powder, baking and cooling. The company stands out for the painting of the disassembled parts of the product, in order to guarantee a greater coverage of the visible surfaces and a better quality of the treatment. For areas with a higher risk of oxidation, the company offers an additional treatment with an epoxy primer before powder coating, to increase the seal. We recommend the use of standard, embossed or rough colors to avoid some imperfections due to the manual processing of the product. The company recommends ordinary six-monthly or annual maintenance, depending on the installation area, which involves cleaning and washing the painted surfaces with neutral soaps to eliminate any atmospheric deposits from chemical treatment industries, saltiness, and lubricating the moving parts . Choose the type of coloring SPECIAL colors ROUGH colors RAL colours Electric lock CISA "Elettrika" is a safety solution for opening and closing our gates. It is certified up to grade 6 Security of the European standard EN 14846 and guarantees high resistance to burglary thanks to the rotating hook deadbolt. Furthermore, it is equipped with a steel protection shield to prevent access to the internal components of the lock. The lock has an automatic re-closing function with the Booster Plus module and a light signal that indicates the status of the door. The reloading system reduces the noise of the lock opening, and the rotating hook deadbolt guarantees immediate closure and the self-adjusting strike recovers misalignments over time. Furthermore, the "hold open" function allows you to manage the flow of accesses, and in the event of a malfunction of the remote control, it is possible to open the gate manually. Our profiles from we patented We are proud to present our patented profiles, made with pure 6060 aluminum primary alloy. Our attention to quality is reflected in the choice of this alloy, which guarantees robustness and long-term reliability. Our profiles are used for the construction of our gates and are characterized by a thickness of 5mm. This feature gives our products a higher resistance than those made with standard profiles. We are committed to providing high quality and superior performance solutions to our customers, and our patented profiles are one of our greatest achievements in this area. Trust our experience and our attention to detail for the realization of your projects. PERIMETER UPRIGHT Diameter 60mm x 60mm. Wall thickness 5mm CENTRAL CROSSBEAM Diameter 60mm x 60mm. Wall thickness 5mm SLIDING TRACK Diameter 60mm x 60mm. Wall thickness 5mm wainscot Diameter 60mm x 150mm . Wall thickness 5mm Ours certifications We are proud to present our certifications, which guarantee the quality and safety of our Alutrend gates. These certifications are the result of our constant effort to provide reliable and safe products to our customers. ​ In particular, our certifications confirm the resistance of our gates to bad weather and wind pressure, mechanical stability, safe opening and manoeuvrability. We are confident that our customers will appreciate the security and peace of mind of knowing they have a reliable product. ​ Furthermore, our attention to our surroundings is an important value for us. Confirmation of the absence of the release of dangerous substances during the use of our gates also guarantees safety for the surrounding environment. ​ In summary, our certifications are the guarantee of the quality and safety of our products, for the benefit of our customers and the surrounding environment. Su richiesta maniglioni inox R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Le nostre cerniere Abbiamo continuamente migliorato le nostre cerniere per garantire le migliori prestazioni possibili. Grazie alla nostra progettazione interna e alla tecnologia avanzata utilizzata nella loro fabbricazione, le nostre cerniere offrono una maggiore resistenza e durata, anche in condizioni climatiche estreme. Inoltre, la loro precisione di fabbricazione garantisce un'installazione semplice e precisa, senza la necessità di regolazioni complesse. Grazie alla nostra attenzione ai dettagli, le nostre cerniere ti consentono di regolare il cancello con estrema facilità, garantendo un'esperienza di utilizzo senza sforzi e un funzionamento fluido ed efficiente nel tempo. La nostra copri piastra Abbiamo continuamente cercato di migliorare le nostre cerniere per offrire il massimo delle prestazioni e dell'estetica. Dopo il processo di regolazione, le nostre cerniere sono rifinite con una copri piastra in alluminio pressofuso, progettata per resistere alle intemperie e durare a lungo nel tempo. La copri piastra in alluminio è disponibile in vari colori, in modo da poter scegliere quella che si abbina perfettamente al tuo cancello, conferendogli un aspetto elegante e moderno. La copri piastra non solo offre una finitura estetica perfetta, ma protegge anche le parti interne della cerniera dall'usura e dalla corrosione, prolungando la durata della cerniera stessa. Con la nostra copri piastra in alluminio, non solo avrai una cerniera funzionale e di alta qualità, ma anche un elemento di design che aggiungerà un tocco di classe al tuo cancello. Our welds ALUTREND specialists are committed to providing their customers with the best aluminum stationery products on the market, using only the most advanced manufacturing techniques. In particular, our team of experts carries out a work of great precision and attention in the welding of our aluminum gates, using cutting-edge techniques such as pulsed arc and tig welding. ​ ​ Thanks to the use of these latest generation welding techniques, our products are characterized by high resistance and stability over time, which guarantee excellent durability over the years. Furthermore, pulsed arc and tig welding allows to obtain a precise and superior quality welding, without compromising the aesthetics of the final product. ​ ​ Our aluminum gates are therefore the ideal choice for those who want a product of quality and reliability over time, without sacrificing elegance and design. At ALUTREND we are convinced that product quality is a fundamental element to ensure customer satisfaction, and for this reason we constantly invest in research and development of the most advanced production techniques. Ours certifications We are proud to present our certifications, which guarantee the quality and safety of our Alutrend gates. These certifications are the result of our constant effort to provide reliable and safe products to our customers. ​ In particular, our certifications confirm the resistance of our gates to bad weather and wind pressure, mechanical stability, safe opening and manoeuvrability. We are confident that our customers will appreciate the security and peace of mind of knowing they have a reliable product. ​ Furthermore, our attention to our surroundings is an important value for us. Confirmation of the absence of the release of dangerous substances during the use of our gates also guarantees safety for the surrounding environment. ​ In summary, our certifications are the guarantee of the quality and safety of our products, for the benefit of our customers and the surrounding environment. Vedi tutti i Progetti Esplora il nostro mondo di creatività e ispirazione tornando alla pagina dei progetti. Con una vasta gamma di opzioni, c'è qualcosa per tutti i gusti. Dai uno sguardo approfondito e scopri quello che può catturare la tua attenzione e soddisfare i tuoi desideri. Che tu sia alla ricerca di design innovativi, soluzioni pratiche o ispirazioni uniche, i nostri progetti offrono un ventaglio di possibilità. Read More

  • PLUS fence |

    Collezione Cancelli in alluminio Collezione RECINZIONI MODERNE Recinzioni Moderne La recinzione in alluminio Alutrend, con il suo design moderno, unisce l'estetica contemporanea alle eccellenti prestazioni tecniche dell'alluminio. La gamma Alutrend è stata appositamente creata per arricchire e valorizzare l'aspetto della tua casa. Grazie al suo stile elegante e alla durabilità dell'alluminio, questa recinzione aggiungerà un tocco di classe al tuo spazio esterno. Read More The Alutrend aluminum fence, with its modern design, combines contemporary aesthetics with the excellent technical performance of aluminium. The Alutrend range has been specially created to enrich and enhance the look and feel of your home. Thanks to its elegant style and the durability of aluminium, this fence will add a touch of class to your outdoor space. Aluminum is a light but resistant material, which offers many advantages. It is anti-corrosive and requires very little maintenance over time, maintaining its original beauty without fading or rusting. Alutrend fencing ensures reliable and long-lasting protection for your property, while offering a modern and refined look. Thanks to the modern design of the Alutrend fence, you will have the possibility to customize your outdoor space according to your tastes and needs. The Alutrend range offers several style options, including elegant geometric shapes and clean lines, which blend perfectly with modern architecture. You'll be able to choose from different finishes and colors, allowing you to create an aesthetic that is coherent with the rest of your home. In addition to its visual impact, Alutrend fencing also offers excellent technical performance. Thanks to the sturdiness of the aluminium, the fence offers safe and reliable protection for your home, keeping unwanted intruders out. Aluminum is also a lightweight material, making fence installation quicker and easier. In conclusion, the Alutrend aluminum fence from the Alutrend range is the ideal choice for those looking for a blend of modern design and superior technical performance. With its elegant aesthetics and aluminum durability, this fence will enhance and embellish your home, while offering secure and long-lasting protection. Revolutionize your space with Alutrend: top design for your home! ZAIRA daga 250 model fence code: 20110 Parapet model ZAIRA stave 250 code: 20110 ZAIRA daga 150 model fence code : K8 Parapet model ZAIRA stave 150 code : K9 FENCE model TREVIS alternate staves code: 906 PARAPET model TREVIS alternating slats code: 906 FENCE model ADESIA code: 911 PARAPET model ADESIA code: 911 FENCE model RACHAEL code: 80600 PARAPET model RACHAEL code: 80600 FENCE model ADELINDA code: 80200 PARAPET model ADELINA code: 80200 FENCE model LABEL code: 800 PARAPET model LABEL code : 800 FENCE model LABEL code : 800 /1 PARAPET model LABEL code: 800/1 ALUMINUM FENCE VIVIEN model code: 80120/R ALUMINUM PARAPET VIVIEN model code: 80120/P ALUMINUM FENCE Model EMILI code : 908/R ALUMINUM PARAPET Model EMILI code : 908/P ALUMINUM FENCE WILMA model code: 912 /R ALUMINUM PARAPET WILMA model code : 912 /P ALUMINUM FENCE BOTTICELLI model code: 80160/R ALUMINUM PARAPET BOTTICELLI model code: 80160​/P ALUMINUM FENCE YLENIA model code: 80140/R ALUMINUM PARAPET YLENIA model code: 80140/P ALUMINUM FENCE Model TARA code: 80006/R ALUMINUM PARAPET Model TARA code: 80006/P ALUMINUM FENCE Model ELISA code: 80100/R ALUMINUM PARAPET Model ELISA code: 80100/P ALUMINUM FENCE Model VANILLÈ code: 902/R ALUMINUM PARAPET VANILLÈ model code: 902/P ALUMINUM FENCE Model MARJORIE code: 90221/R ALUMINUM PARAPET MARJORIE model code: 90221/P ALUMINUM FENCE Model MARION code: 90231/R ALUMINUM PARAPET MARION model code: 90231/P ALUMINUM FENCE PASCALE model code: 912/R ALUMINUM PARAPET PASCALE model code: 912/P ALUMINUM FENCE PATRICIA model code: 913/R ALUMINUM PARAPET PATRICIA model code: 913/P ALUMINUM FENCE Model MEGAN code : 914/R ALUMINUM PARAPET Model MEGAN code : 914/P ALUMINUM FENCE Model ALEXIS code 915/R ALUMINUM PARAPET Model ALEXIS code 915/P

  • Contacts |

    Collezioni Cancelli CONTATTI Cancelli in alluminio Via del Puglia Loc. Bivio Pomonte, 06035 Gualdo Cattaneo (PG) Italy ​ ​ ​ If you would like to speak to one of us, please contact us through the following channels: ​ Telephone (Italy): +39 340 453 0317 Email: If you are calling from abroad and prefer to communicate in English for advice and information regarding international matters, please use the following WhatsApp number: WhatsApp (International): +44 7821 787914 We are here to assist you and answer your questions, whatever your language preference. Do not hesitate to contact us!

  • Automatic opening system |

    Collezione Cancelli in alluminio Monoblocchi Aperture AUTOMATICHE Opening system automatic Swing opening with underground motors ( Nice BM4000 ) ​ For swing gates with leaves up to 4 m, concealed underground installation. 230 Vac irreversible electromechanical gearmotor and mechanical stops. Foundation boxes with mechanical stop on opening: • in stainless steel (BMB0X4I), ideal for use in extreme conditions, • in cataphoresis (BMB0X4), highly resistant to corrosion. Maximum freedom of choice: release from inside and outside, two freely combinable key or lever models that are easy to operate with just one hand. Easy to use: mechanical stop system on closing integrated in the motor. Standard 110° opening, optional 360°. Attention, the price refers to the motor only, without the foundation box Swing opening with arm motors ( NI-HO7124 ) ​ IRREVERSIBLE 24 Vdc, COMPLETE WITH ARTICULATED ARM, WITH INTEGRATED CONTROL UNIT. For swing gates with leaves up to 2.4 m, even in the presence of large columns and light structures. 24 Vdc irreversible electromechanical gear reducer. With articulated arm and external mounting. Ideal for intensive use. Two irreversible 24 Vdc versions with mechanical stops with millimetric adjustment in opening and closing: with integrated control unit (HO7124) and without control unit (HO7224). Swing opening with arm motors up to 5 meters ( Nice TO5024 ) ​ Large and convenient connection compartment: quick and easy access from above to the internal parts located in the upper compartment of the engine. Simple installation and maintenance; with built-in capacitor. Recommended control units: Mindy A6F, A60, A700F; for TO4024 Moonclever MC824H. 24 Vdc version with magnetic encoder. Ideal for intensive use, compatible with the Moonclever control unit: • simple programming, with a single key; • self-learning of the opening and closing limit switches; • self-diagnosis of anomalies; • pause time programming; • pedestrian leaf; • deceleration in opening and closing; • dual technology obstacle detection; • operation in the absence of current with optional rechargeable batteries (PS324); • prearranged for the connection of latest generation sensitive edges Sliding opening with exposed motor ( NICE ROBUS BT RB400KCE 24V ) ​ Simple: thanks to the BlueBUS system which allows two-wire connections between the control unit and up to 7 pairs of MoonBus series photocells, control, safety and signaling devices Practical: control unit and PS124 buffer batteries (optional) that can be connected via a convenient guided plug-in connector, housed inside the Robus Advanced: RB400 is equipped with a temperature sensor which adapts the motor force to the climatic conditions while at the same time adjusting for thermal protection. A master/slave selection also automatically synchronizes 2 motors, allowing the automation of sliding gates with two opposite leaves Intelligent: thanks to obstacle detection and automatic programming of working times. Self-diagnosis with signaling through the flashing light. 8 programming levels. Safe: adjustable acceleration and deceleration at the start and end of each manoeuvre. Silence, geared motor on bearings. Sturdy: Base and release in die-cast aluminum with epoxy paint. Silent: gearmotor on bearings Sliding opening With column internal motor ( Nice NKSL 400 ) Nice NKSL400 Concealed motor for sliding gates 400kg with NAKED SLIDING 400 control unit The first Nice retractable motor for sliding gates up to 400 kg and leaf length up to 6 metres. Motor with built-in control unit and absolute encoder, which can be installed inside a suitably drilled small column. The very small size allows the motor to be housed in even very thin columns, with a minimum internal dimension of 140X140 mm. Simple: thanks to the BlueBUS system which allows connections with only two wires between the control unit and up to 7 pairs of photocells of the MoonBus series, command, safety and signaling devices. Master/slave selection: it also automatically synchronises 2 motors, allowing the automation of sliding gates with two opposite leaves. Intelligent: thanks to obstacle detection and automatic programming of working times. Self-diagnosis with signaling through the flashing light. Safe: adjustable acceleration and deceleration at the start and end of each manoeuvre. Simple and precise limit switch adjustment: integrated absolute limit switch, quick learning with a single maneuver with the motor released. Practical: control unit and PS124 buffer batteries (optional) that can be connected via a convenient plug-in connector. Flexible: it is possible to arrange the release on both sides of the column and/or on the outside (with the KIO and KA1 accessories). Easy installation also on existing columns. Pedestrian opening - WL1024C Electromechanical gear motor for surface mounting with control unit and OXI plug-in receiver. - ON2E 433.92 MHz transmitter. - TS Signage table. For swing gates with a leaf up to 1.8 m. Particularly suitable for aluminum, wood or PVC gates. 24 Vdc irreversible electromechanical reduction motor, with articulated arm. Ultra compact: ideal for pedestrian gates, recommended for small columns (8 cm wide). Safe: thanks to the irreversible motor and the anti-shearing arm with built-in mechanical closing limit switch (with full arm installation). Practical: the articulated arm makes installation possible in particular conditions, such as in the presence of low walls or obstacles adjacent to the column. Rapid: no waiting in front of the gate, only 7 seconds to open or close (in optimal installation conditions, with reduced arm and 90° opening). Convenient: integrable LED flashing light, with courtesy light function (WLT, optional); rapid motor release to operate the gate manually. Integrated control unit: • simple programming; • self-learning of the opening and closing limit switches; • self-diagnosis of anomalies; • pause time programming; • pedestrian leaf; • deceleration in opening and closing; • prearranged for the connection of latest generation sensitive edges. No blackouts: operation in the absence of current with the optional batteries (PS424) housed inside the motor.

  • Shipping and Transportation |

    Collezioni Cancelli TRASPORTO E INSTALLAZIONE World ALUTREND La nostra missione primaria è assicurare la massima trasparenza e affidabilità per i nostri clienti, motivo per cui Alutrend gestisce il trasporto utilizzando i propri mezzi. Inoltre, ci prendiamo cura personalmente dell'installazione dei nostri prodotti. Ogni cliente è un individuo unico, e pertanto ci sforziamo di comprenderne appieno le esigenze e le richieste. Il nostro approccio inizia con un'analisi dettagliata dei processi e una pianificazione strategica delle attività. Questo ci consente di presentare soluzioni su misura, progettate appositamente per soddisfare completamente le esigenze specifiche di ciascun cliente. ​ Nel perseguire l'eccellenza del servizio, non sottovalutiamo mai le richieste dei nostri clienti. Dedicando il nostro tempo ed energie, ci sforziamo di comprendere completamente le loro necessità, garantendo che il progetto finale rispecchi le loro aspettative e desideri. ​ La nostra vasta esperienza nel settore logistico ci abilita ad affrontare sfide complesse e a proporre soluzioni innovative per ottimizzare le operazioni e migliorare l'efficienza. Con una copertura globale, siamo in grado di gestire spedizioni e logistica a livello internazionale, fornendo un servizio affidabile e puntuale in qualsiasi parte del mondo. ​ Siamo fieri di essere un partner di fiducia per i nostri clienti, offrendo soluzioni logistiche personalizzate che contribuiscono al loro successo aziendale. La soddisfazione dei nostri clienti rimane la nostra massima priorità, e ci impegniamo costantemente a superare le loro aspettative attraverso il nostro impegno e la nostra dedizione. Oggi celebriamo un anno di impegno continuo e siamo grati per la fiducia che i nostri clienti hanno riposto in noi. I nostri imballi Su richiesta del cliente SHOCKWATCH I GUARDIANI DELLA QUALITÀ ( Indicatori d'urto ) Gli indicatori d’urto ShockWatch e ShockDot sono sofisticati dispositivi a prova di manomissione in grado di rilevare e segnalare in maniera chiara ed irreversibile urti dovuti ad un’errata movimentazione durante il trasporto o lo stoccaggio delle vostre merci. Il funzionamento degli indicatori ShockWatch e ShockDot è molto semplice. Una volta applicati, gli indicatori vi segnaleranno un eventuale impatto potenzialmente dannoso colorandosi di rosso.


Per garantire una corretta elaborazione del preventivo, Vi preghiamo di fornirci le seguenti informazioni dettagliate relative al cancello che desiderate acquistare:

1) Nome del cancello o della recinzione
2) Codice del cancello o della recinzione
3) Codice colore del prodotto
4) Larghezza del cancello da interno colonne.
5) Altezza da pavimento a 10 centimetri meno dal termine della colonna superiore.
6) Indicare il tipo di apertura tra le seguenti opzioni:
7) Apertura ad una anta, detto Pedonale.
8) Apertura a due ante a battente.
9) Apertura Scorrevole laterale con ruote.
10) Apertura scorrevole a sbalzo senza l'ausilio delle ruote.
11) Specificare se il cancello deve essere dotato di sottostruttura in acciaio e se deve essere automatizzato.
12) Indicare se desiderate la nostra installazione.
13) Specificare se avete bisogno di un nostro sopralluogo per prelevare le misure ed eventuali consigli.

Queste informazioni ci permetteranno di formulare un preventivo personalizzato in base alle Vostre esigenze specifiche. Restiamo a disposizione per ulteriori chiarimenti e per assistervi in ogni fase del processo.

Grazie per la collaborazione.

Aluminium gate | Cancello in alluminio |
CE marking in accordance with the EN 13-241 standard.
Aluminium gate | Cancello in alluminio |
Welded with pulsed arc welding machine, and TIG
Aluminium gate | Cancello in alluminio |
Weather resistant
Aluminium gate | Cancello in alluminio |
Custom Made 
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Cancelli in alluminio

Via del Puglia Loc. Bivio Pomonte

06035 Gualdo Cattaneo (PG) Italy

Per informazioni contatta 

Antonio Velardi

Consulente tecnico


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