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  • Prestige Classic | Aluminuim gates classic |

    Alutrend aluminum gates: Traditional range AKAGI models Products / Traditional Range / AKAGI Models Choose a high-end, high-quality aluminum gate The finish is simply outstanding because we are on top of the range and very high quality products. Aluminum, known for its great sturdiness, contributes to giving the Traditional gate and closure a guarantee of durability over time. Aluminum also has the advantage of being an aesthetic material, which requires very little maintenance (1 simple water wash), unlike a wrought iron gate which will be more prone to corrosion and the force of things, resulting in regular maintenance. and rust treatments. The traditional range of ALUTREND with a wrought iron style is now on the aluminum cansllei market as a reference, and it is the Alutrend company that was at the origin of this range by taking up and adapting the style of wrought iron to aluminum. The success was immediate, so much so that Alutrend has developed an entire range, and enriched the models over the years with always this attention to detail, this touch of personalization and colors in the era of the times: feel free to go to our gallery of images, this can be a good source of inspiration to consolidate your project. Our entire team is at your disposal and our network of installers will guide and satisfy you perfectly. Our models All our products are made to measure and 100% customizable. contact us! AKAGI code: 35418 The finish is simply outstanding because we are on top of the range and very high quality products. Made with sheet metal panels and inserted beautiful oval decorations Richiedi preventivo AKAGI code: 35418 The finish is simply outstanding because we are on top of the range and very high quality products. Made with sheet metal panels and pantographed designs vedi collezione A quality assembly The ALUTREND gates benefit from a solid aluminum structure assembled by tig welding, and pulsed arc that allow excellent rigidity. Stainless steel screws and accessories give them optimal corrosion resistance and their mechanical properties that defy time. specifications Structure in 6060 aluminum alloy Profiles diameter 50 x50 wall thickness 5mm The decorative elements are obtained by die-casting, by injecting molten aluminum at 700 ° C at high pressure into the hardened steel molds. Stainless steel accessories CISA electric lock. NF CE marked according to EN 13-241. Installation, use and maintenance manual. 10 year warranty on the structure specifications Personalize your aluminum gate by choosing the color that perfectly suits your environment. To suit everyone's projects, Alutrend offers a standard color scheme consisting of many shades, from the most classic to the most trendy. The Alutrend aluminum gate incorporates all the codes and decorative motifs of the wrought iron style. The gate of the Traditional range can be customized thanks to all these options, and it is obviously possible to have it in all configurations: pedestrian, swing, sliding, and cantilever sliding gate. All these models can be motorized for comfort, and you will have the possibility to choose between different types of motors: go to our page to choose the type of opening and motorization that suits your comfort.

  • Rivenditori |

    Acerca de Retailers Rivenditore Cancelli e recinzioni in alluminio ALUTREND Alutrend OFFICIAL DEALER ALUTREND è un'azienda che si distingue per la sua straordinaria competenza e dedizione nel settore della lavorazione dell'alluminio. La nostra storia è una testimonianza di esperienza consolidata, un solido patrimonio su cui poggiamo le fondamenta del nostro successo. Ma ciò che davvero ci rende unici è la nostra incessante ricerca di soluzioni innovative. Non ci accontentiamo mai del "solito" o del "già visto". Noi alziamo l'asticella, costantemente, per offrire ai nostri clienti prodotti che sono un autentico capolavoro di design e funzionalità. Cancelli e recinzioni in ferro battuto? Possiamo dire con sicurezza che offriamo una valida alternativa, una proposta che coniuga resistenza, stile ed eleganza. Tuttavia, non ci limitiamo a produrre opere d'arte in alluminio. Il nostro impegno va oltre: ci preoccupiamo di garantire che i nostri prodotti siano installati in modo impeccabile, senza che il cliente debba preoccuparsi di nulla. Ecco perché il nostro motto è "INSTALLAZIONE SENZA PENSIERI." Collaboriamo con un network selezionato di rivenditori e installatori altamente qualificati, disseminati in tutta Italia. Questi professionisti del settore, fabbri serramentisti esperti, sono il nostro orgoglio. La loro competenza è tangibile in ogni fase del processo, dall'iniziale consultazione alla vendita e, infine, all'installazione. La professionalità e la cortesia che dimostrano costantemente rappresentano il nostro punto di forza. Se il cliente desidera affidarsi direttamente a noi per l'installazione, siamo pronti ad accoglierlo a braccia aperte. La professionalità che offriamo è il nostro biglietto da visita, il nostro impegno a garantire che ogni aspetto del progetto sia gestito con la massima attenzione e competenza. In breve, ALUTREND è sinonimo di eccellenza nell'alluminio, di innovazione, di collaborazione con i migliori professionisti in Italia e di un'installazione senza pensieri per i nostri stimati clienti. La nostra missione è trasformare le vostre idee in realtà, senza compromessi, senza preoccupazioni. Siamo pronti a superare ogni vostra aspettativa e a offrirvi una soluzione che vi accompagnerà nel tempo, rappresentando la bellezza e la qualità che solo ALUTREND può garantire. Puglia MONDO PORTA di Angelo Pichierri ​ Pagina dedicata Via Mazzini, 226/a - Sava (TA) Telefono 0999745006 Cellulare 3336392203 PORTE & FINESTRE di Andrea Caforio ​ Pagina dedicata Via Trento, 16 Sava (Ta) Cellulare 349.6122625 INFISSI TIME ​ ​ Web Site via Puglie 43, Taranto Cellulare : 392 730 4592 LIAF SERRAMENTI ​ ​ Web Site Via Martiri del Terrorismo, 8, Veglie, (Le) Cellulare 320 182 6473 Contattaci con WhatsApp INFISSI D'ARTE S.R.L. Web Site Via C. G. Viola, 22, Pulsano (Ta) Telefono : 099 533 0575 Calabria FALEGNAMERIA RIZZO VINCENZO ​ Web Site Via Rosarno, 58 89026 SAN FERDINANDO (RC) Cellulare +39 328 7143401 ITALFERRO DI BUCCAFURRI & PRATTICO' ​ Web Site Via Ravagnese Superiore, 60 89131 Reggio Calabria Telefono : +39 0965 883327 Sicilia Db Serramenti ​ Web Site Via La Malfa Ugo, 10940 90146 Palermo (PA) Cellulare 339 213 4731 MERIDIONAL S.R.L ​ Web Site Isolato F, lotto 33 Z.A. 91029 Santa Ninfa (TRAPANI) Telefono : 0924 1915756 Cell : 3804772214 Campania ANFORA SERRAMENTI ​ Web Site Via Appia 4 Sessa Aurunca, (CA) Cellulare 333 843 9039 Filippelli Infissi ​ Web Site Via San Giovanni,18 Cerreto Sannita (BN) Cellulare 3273458284 Abruzzo METALFORM S.R.L. ​ Web Site Zona industriale Sasso Scalo 67100 L'AQUILA Telefono : 0862 028354 Lazio GB BIANCHI GAETANO INFISSI ​ Web Site Via Casilina Sud 03030 Piedimonte San Germano (FR) TELEFONO: 0776 390 052 338 992 2134 320 634 6552 NON SOLO LEGNO DI MORELLI MASSIMO ​ Web Site Via Sode 1344 03042 ATINA(FR) ​ Telefono : Tel. 0776 610725 Fax 0776 610725 FANTASY ALLUMINIO ​ Pagina dedicata Via Campo Vincenzo, 1403037 Pontecorvo Frosinone Ufficio : 0776742933 Cellulare : 3484107019 Umbria PALONI SERRAMENTI S.R.L. ​ Web Site Via Luigi Corradi, 20 - 05100 Terni (TR) Telefono : Tel. 0744 390110 ​ Piemonte TOP SERRAMENTI​ ​ Web Site Via Castelrinaldo, 12 – 12045 – Fossano (CN) Tel. 0172.637553 Cell. 338.8194533 Whatsapp. 338.8194533 TECNO WINDOWS - TECNO UTENSILI S.A.S ​ Web Site Via Circonvalazione, 14/C 10060 Buriasco (TO) Telefono : 0121 56635

  • Antonio Velardi |

    Consulente Tecnico È con orgoglio e passione che mi presento come il Signor Antonio Velardi, consulente tecnico specializzato nel settore dei cancelli e delle recinzioni in alluminio per questa prestigiosa azienda fin dal 2013. Nel corso degli anni, il nostro impegno congiunto ha portato a progressi straordinari, trasformando una piccola realtà familiare in un nome affermato a livello europeo e oltre. ANTONIO VELARDI CONSULENTE TECNICO Sono lieto di presentarmi come il Signor Antonio Velardi, Consulente Tecnico nel settore dei cancelli e delle recinzioni in alluminio presso questa azienda dal 2013. Nel corso di questi anni, abbiamo compiuto progressi straordinari che hanno trasformato la nostra azienda da una piccola realtà famigliare a un'affermata presenza su tutto il territorio europeo e oltre. ​ Il nostro impegno costante e la dedizione alla qualità ci hanno permesso di espanderci in diverse nazioni, tra cui Russia, Regno Unito, Ghana in Africa, l'isola di Jersey e la Francia. Con oltre 30 rivenditori distribuiti in tutto il territorio, abbiamo consolidato la nostra presenza e forniamo prodotti di alta qualità che soddisfano le esigenze dei nostri clienti. ​ La mia costante ricerca di nuovi contatti per ampliare la rete dei rivenditori è testimone del mio impegno e della professionalità che dedico a questo settore. Oggi, sono fiero di vedere il risultato tangibile del mio lavoro nella crescita strategica dell'azienda. ​ Invito cordialmente a visitare il nostro sito web Alutrendgates all'indirizzo per scoprire la nostra gamma completa di cancelli e recinzioni in alluminio. Qui potrete apprezzare la qualità dei nostri prodotti e la cura con cui affrontiamo ogni progetto. ​ Inoltre, vi invito a esplorare il sito web della C.A.S.A. all'indirizzo , dove potrete conoscere ulteriori dettagli sulle nostre realizzazioni e sui serramenti di alta qualità che offriamo. ​ ​ Antonio Velardi ​ NEXUS Facilitatore di Partnership Sava 74028 ( TA ) Italy ​ Web site : Home | Nexus | PARTNERSHIP FACILITATOR ( E-mail :

  • Chi Siamo | | Italia

    Collezione Cancelli in alluminio LA NOSTRA AZIENDA World ALUTREND Welcome to our company, where innovation is our mantra and quality is our philosophy. We are proud to present you our revolutionary product which is changing the game on the European market. We have studied the market behavior and the needs of our customers to create a product that meets all the requirements. Our product has been specially designed to withstand the elements, even the most extreme weather conditions, without compromising quality or effectiveness Le nostre collezioni "Scopri il futuro con i cancelli in alluminio saldato Alutrend! I nostri cancelli sono un mix di innovazione e resistenza, realizzati con profili da 5 mm per garantire robustezza straordinaria. Da aperture imponenti fino a 8 metri per quelli a battente e 6 metri per quelli scorrevoli, offriamo soluzioni su misura. La durabilità è garantita grazie alla saldatura certificata, levigatura in 3 fasi e verniciatura a polvere Qualicoat classe 2 super resistente. Ma non ci fermiamo qui: realizziamo cancelli unici, dal design elegante a opere d'arte architettoniche. Se hai in mente qualcosa di speciale, trasformiamo la tua visione in realtà, offrendo anche un servizio di progettazione su misura gratuito. Investi in bellezza e durabilità con i cancelli Alutrend. Ogni cancello è un'opera d'arte progettata per resistere al tempo. Scegli Alutrend e apri le porte al tuo sogno!" Visita le nostre collezioni Produzione Our profiles are made of extruded 6060 primary aluminum alloy, both tubular and solid. . The double swing gates are tested and certified up to a maximum width of 8 meters in class 2. For the sliding model, on the other hand, for a maximum width of 5 meters in class 3. All the hinges used are made with a central pivot in stainless steel, on a brass bushing, an adjustable wall fixing plate and a steel eyelet, all equipped with a hole for a greaser and stainless steel adjustment shims. The ornamental elements of our production and supply are made of solid aluminum casting and die-casting, and locked to the profiles by welding or threading. All screws or bolts used are stainless steel. Saldatura certificata Each of our products is made using pulsed arc and tig welding, in order to guarantee durability and stability over time. Our series includes various types of linear gates, arched gates and, upon request, swing gates with one or two leaves and sliding gates. The series is completed with the line of linear, arched or inclined fences and railings for balconies, all in harmony with the same style of the gates, with profiles of the same design but smaller in size. The second type of gates and fences we produce is made with squared profiles, starting from full extruded material, using ornamental elements and wrought aluminum constructions, all joined and blocked with aluminum rivets that recall the style of the old artisan tradition. Verniciatura certificata After assembly, welding and cleaning, our gates are subjected to a sandblasting process with silica sand and corundum, then they are washed and degreased with solvents and acids, dried in the oven, for finally be subjected to the electrostatic application of polyurethane powders of the chosen color and placed in the oven at 200° for 20 minutes. This whole process is done online, in order to guarantee a high quality product. Finally, we remind you that our products are CE marked with serial number, installation, use and maintenance manual, guaranteeing the traceability of projects over the years. This is ALUTREND today: Italian artisan quality, technology, entrepreneurial and product innovation, guaranteed by forty years of experience in the aluminum sector and assisted and controlled by highly specialized personnel. Vedi tutte le colorazioni e finiture Progettazione Each gate is drawn with Auto Cad For each order placed by the customer, as a matter of practice we will draw the gate with the measurements and model requested by the customer. Once the drawing has been made, it will be sent to the customer, verifying that the measurements and type of gate are correct. Once verified that everything is correct, proceed with signing and stamping the order and returning it to the company. Subsequently we will proceed immediately to put the order into production. The production of each order will be delivered with a minimum of 40 days excluding transport days. Each gate will be packed in a workmanlike manner, using pallets and coverings in polystyrene, cardboard and 4 mm MDF wood. Trasporto e installazione The range of services offered by RHENUS LOGISTICS SpA is very broad and has a global coverage. Tracking and tracing shipments is an essential element to ensure transparency and reliability for our customers. Process analysis and strategic planning of activities represent for RHENUS LOGISTICS the starting point adopted when we present tailor-made solutions to our customers. We never underestimate the requests of our customers, we dedicate our time and energy to arrive at a project that fully satisfies the required needs. Visita la nostra pagina Certificazioni UNI-EN We are proud to present our certifications, which guarantee the quality and safety of our Alutrend gates. These certifications are the result of our constant effort to provide reliable and safe products to our customers. ​ In particular, our certifications confirm the resistance of our gates to bad weather and wind pressure, mechanical stability, safe opening and manoeuvrability. We are confident that our customers will appreciate the security and peace of mind of knowing they have a reliable product. ​ Furthermore, our attention to our surroundings is an important value for us. Confirmation of the absence of the release of dangerous substances during the use of our gates also guarantees safety for the surrounding environment. ​ In summary, our certifications are the guarantee of the quality and safety of our products, for the benefit of our customers and the surrounding environment. Vedi le nostre certificazioni Alutrend Scopri la vasta gamma dei nostri prodotti sfogliando i nostri cataloghi completi ! Da articoli di alta qualità a soluzioni innovative, troverai tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per soddisfare le tue esigenze. Esplora le pagine ricche di dettagli e immagini accattivanti, e lasciati ispirare dalle ultime tendenze e novità. Vedi tutti i nostri cataloghi Presentation video A small summary of our business

  • Prestige Classic | Aluminuim gates classic |

    Collezione Cancelli in alluminio Collezione DOGA 100 Modello SVEVA doppio scorrevole Collection Stave 100 Our gate, in addition to being functional and safe, is also a real piece of art. Every detail has been carefully taken care of to offer you a product of the highest quality and a one-of-a-kind design. The 100 mm slats, made with first choice materials, give the gate unparalleled strength. They are designed to withstand the most adverse weather conditions, maintaining their beauty and integrity over time. The sheet metal panels add a touch of modernity and elegance, ensuring maximum protection for your home. Safety is a priority for us. We have designed our gate taking into account potential external threats and have adopted innovative solutions to prevent them. Its solid and resistant structure makes it practically inviolable, giving you the peace of mind of knowing that your home is safe. But it's not just safety that makes our gate special. The unique laser designs give the gate a touch of sophistication and originality. You can choose from a wide range of motifs and styles to personalize your gate and make it a distinctive feature of your property. The processing of our gate was carried out with the utmost care and craftsmanship. Each plank has been carefully selected to ensure maximum quality and beauty. The end result is a product that stands out for its elegance and attention to detail, which will enhance your property and arouse the admiration of anyone who sees it. Investing in our gate means choosing a product that goes beyond the practical aspect, offering you a perfect combination of safety, design and durability. Don't delay any longer, contact us today to find out how our gate can enhance your home and give it a touch of class without equal. Vale DOGA 100 code: 70200 The VALE model aluminum gate represents much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment that combines safety, elegance and durability. Its construction with the highest quality materials, such as 100 mm slats and sheet metal panels, ensures superior resistance to bad weather and damage caused by time, offering maximum protection for your home. The solid construction of the VALE gate ensures reliable protection, providing an effective security barrier for your property. The 100 mm slats give the gate an imposing and elegant look, while the sheet metal panels increase its resistance and durability over time. Emma DOGA 100 code: 70100 The EMMA model aluminum gate represents much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment that combines safety, elegance and durability. Its construction with the highest quality materials, such as 100 mm slats and sheet metal panels, ensures superior resistance to bad weather and damage caused by time, offering maximum protection for your home. The solid construction of the EMMA gate ensures reliable protection, providing an effective security barrier for your property. The 100 mm slats give the gate an imposing and elegant look, while the sheet metal panels increase its resistance and durability over time. Aurora DOGA 100 code: 70250 The AURORA model aluminum gate represents much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment that combines safety, elegance and durability. Its construction with the highest quality materials, such as the 100 mm slats and sheet metal panels WITH LASER DESIGN, ensures superior resistance to bad weather and damage caused by time, offering maximum protection for your home. The gate's solid construction ensures reliable protection, providing an effective security barrier for your property. The 100 mm slats give the gate an imposing and elegant look, while the sheet metal panels increase its resistance and durability over time. Alice DOGA 100 code: 70260 The Alice model aluminum gate represents much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment that combines safety, elegance and durability. Its construction with the highest quality materials, such as the 100 mm slats and sheet metal panels WITH LASER DESIGN, ensures superior resistance to bad weather and damage caused by time, offering maximum protection for your home. The gate's solid construction ensures reliable protection, providing an effective security barrier for your property. The 100 mm slats give the gate an imposing and elegant look, while the sheet metal panels increase its resistance and durability over time. Frida DOGA 100 code : 70200 The FRIDA model aluminum gate represents much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment that combines safety, elegance and durability. Its construction with the highest quality materials, such as the 100 mm slats and sheet metal panels WITH LASER DESIGN, ensures superior resistance to bad weather and damage caused by time, offering maximum protection for your home. The gate's solid construction ensures reliable protection, providing an effective security barrier for your property. The 100 mm slats give the gate an imposing and elegant look, while the sheet metal panels increase its resistance and durability over time. Gabry DOGA 100 code: 70210 The GABRY model aluminum gate represents much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment that combines safety, elegance and durability. Its construction with the highest quality materials, such as the 100 mm slats and sheet metal panels WITH LASER DESIGN, ensures superior resistance to bad weather and damage caused by time, offering maximum protection for your home. The gate's solid construction ensures reliable protection, providing an effective security barrier for your property. The 100 mm slats give the gate an imposing and elegant look, while the sheet metal panels increase its resistance and durability over time. Sonia DOGA 100 code : 70240 The Alutrend model aluminum gate represents much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment that combines safety, elegance and durability. Its construction with the highest quality materials, such as 100 mm slats and sheet metal panels with 10 mm laminated glass, ensures superior resistance to bad weather and damage caused by time, offering maximum protection for your home. The gate's solid construction ensures reliable protection, providing an effective security barrier for your property. The 100 mm slats give the gate an imposing and elegant look, while the sheet metal panels increase its resistance and durability over time. Luna DOGA 100 codice : 70270 The Alutrend model aluminum gate represents much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment that combines safety, elegance and durability. Its construction with the highest quality materials, such as 100 mm slats and sheet metal panels with 10 mm laminated glass, ensures superior resistance to bad weather and damage caused by time, offering maximum protection for your home. The gate's solid construction ensures reliable protection, providing an effective security barrier for your property. The 100 mm slats give the gate an imposing and elegant look, while the sheet metal panels increase its resistance and durability over time. Sveva DOGA 100 codice : 70222 The Alutrend model aluminum gate represents much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment that combines safety, elegance and durability. Its construction with the highest quality materials, such as 100 mm slats and sheet metal panels with 10 mm laminated glass, ensures superior resistance to bad weather and damage caused by time, offering maximum protection for your home. The gate's solid construction ensures reliable protection, providing an effective security barrier for your property. The 100 mm slats give the gate an imposing and elegant look, while the sheet metal panels increase its resistance and durability over time. Sveva DOGA 100 codice : 70222 Il cancello in alluminio modello Alutrend rappresenta molto più di un semplice elemento di arredo per la vostra proprietà. È un investimento che unisce sicurezza, eleganza e durata nel tempo. La sua realizzazione con materiali di altissima qualità, come le doghe da 100 mm e i pannelli in lamiera con vetro stradificato da 10 mm, assicura una resistenza superiore alle intemperie e ai danni causati dal tempo, offrendo la massima protezione per la vostra casa. La solida struttura del cancello garantisce una protezione affidabile, fornendo un'efficace barriera di sicurezza per la vostra proprietà. Le doghe da 100 mm conferiscono al cancello un aspetto imponente ed elegante, mentre i pannelli in lamiera aumentano la sua resistenza e durabilità nel tempo. External view External view Sveva DOGA 100 codice : 70222 Il cancello in alluminio modello Alutrend rappresenta molto più di un semplice elemento di arredo per la vostra proprietà. È un investimento che unisce sicurezza, eleganza e durata nel tempo. La sua realizzazione con materiali di altissima qualità, come le doghe da 100 mm e i pannelli in lamiera con vetro stradificato da 10 mm, assicura una resistenza superiore alle intemperie e ai danni causati dal tempo, offrendo la massima protezione per la vostra casa. La solida struttura del cancello garantisce una protezione affidabile, fornendo un'efficace barriera di sicurezza per la vostra proprietà. Le doghe da 100 mm conferiscono al cancello un aspetto imponente ed elegante, mentre i pannelli in lamiera aumentano la sua resistenza e durabilità nel tempo. Internal view Internal view

  • Cancelli in alluminio monoblocchi automatici | Italia

    Collezione Cancelli in alluminio Monoblocchi Monoblocco AUTOMATIK chiavi in mano The first automatic born gate ​ Exclusive solution aimed at customers who need a new, already automated gate. Normally an automatic gate is structurally created by a blacksmith, installed, and then made automatic by a company of electricians. AUTOMATIK is instead a monobloc gate born with integrated automation, it is in fact the first gate conceived, designed and built in the factory with integrated automation. It is a unique and exclusive By ALUTREND product The first automatic born gate ​ Exclusive solution aimed at customers who need a new, already automated gate. Normally an automatic gate is structurally created by a blacksmith, installed, and then made automatic by a company of electricians. AUTOMATIK is instead a monobloc gate born with integrated automation, it is in fact the first gate conceived, designed and built in the factory with integrated automation. It is a unique and exclusive By ALUTREND product AUTOMATIK is a superior quality monobloc with a non-deformable load-bearing structure ​ AUTOMATIK is a monobloc gate made up of columns joined to a beam which is embedded in the concrete, thus creating a non-deformable reinforced structure. This guarantees stability, strength and durability that is clearly superior to other gates. Furthermore, its monobloc structure has the advantage of allowing it to be installed with a crane in just one working day, without any inconvenience for the customer. Our workers also carry out all the masonry work necessary for installation. Esempio di un cancello in alluminio AUTOMATIK con base traliccio, colonne già finite e verniciate Columns already finished Example of a two doors beats n t All our gate models can be equipped with a steel sub-structure with Nice automation. The types of openings are as follows: pedestrian Swing door Swing door with two doors Side sliding Cantilever sliding doors Tutti gli esempi di un cancello in alluminio AUTOMATIK con base traliccio, colonne già finite e verniciate Esempio di un cancello in alluminio saldato a due ante. Colonne da 200 mm x 200 mm già verniciate Sottostruttura in acciaio a traliccio Casse di automazione interrata Si realizzano anche cancelli scorrevoli e scorrevoli a sbalzo Esempio di un cancello in alluminio saldato a due ante + pedonale. Esempio di un cancello in alluminio AUTOMATIK con base traliccio, colonne da rivestire in muratura o pietra Columns already finished Example of a two doors beats n t All our gate models can be equipped with a steel sub-structure with Nice automation. The types of openings are as follows: pedestrian Swing door Swing door with two doors Side sliding Cantilever sliding doors Tutti gli esempi di un cancello in alluminio AUTOMATIK con base tralicci colonne da rivestire in muratura o pietra Esempio di un cancello in alluminio saldato a due ante. Si realizzano anche cancelli scorrevoli e scorrevoli a sbalzo Esempio di un cancello in alluminio saldato a due ante + pedonale.Si realizzano anche cancelli scorrevoli e scorrevoli a sbalzo

  • Cancelli in alluminio monoblocchi automatici | Italia

    Collezione Cancelli in alluminio Monoblocchi KIT BOX INTEGRATE Il box integrato di Alutrend è un kit completo di alta qualità per l'installazione di cancelli scorrevoli. La struttura di sostegno lato sporgenza è realizzata con profili in alluminio di sezione 100 mm x 100 mm, e la piastra di fissaggio a pavimento di spessore 20 mm garantisce una stabilità duratura. Il kit include anche un arco di chiusura, un carrello superiore di centraggio e di antiscarrellamento, una struttura di sostegno per lato apertura, un box con sportello per copertura motore e cablaggio, e una piastra in alluminio di spessore 20 mm per il secondo carrello. Questo kit completo è ideale per coloro che cercano una soluzione di alta qualità per la loro installazione di cancelli scorrevoli. The complete kit includes: N ° 1: Arch in closed position realized with profiles 100 mm x 100 mm x 4 thick. Thick floor fixing plate 20 mm, lower gate support bracket in rest position, upper carriage of centering and anti-derailment. N ° 1: Aluminum support structure on the projection side, made with a grid of aluminum profiles section 100 mm x 100 mm on a 20 mm thick fixing plate plus provision for fixing holes to the floor and lower carriage fixing holes on the opening side. Complete with upper trolleys for gate sliding and anti-derailment. The width of the structure will be proportionate to the size and model. N ° 1: Box with door for motor cover and wiring, equipped with lock and hinges. N ° 1: 20 mm thick aluminum plate for second trolley including floor fixing holes. box. integrated Kit montaggio veloce per cancelli SCORREVOLI A SBALZO box. integrated Kit montaggio veloce per cancelli SCORREVOLI LATERALE The complete kit includes: N ° 1: Arch in closed position realized with profiles 100 mm x 100 mm x 4 thick. Thick floor fixing plate 20 mm, lower gate support bracket in rest position, upper carriage of centering and anti-derailment. N ° 1: Aluminum support structure on the projection side, made with a grid of aluminum profiles section 100 mm x 100 mm on a 20 mm thick fixing plate plus provision for fixing holes to the floor and lower carriage fixing holes on the opening side. Complete with upper trolleys for gate sliding and anti-derailment. The width of the structure will be proportionate to the size and model. N ° 1: Box with door for motor cover and wiring, equipped with lock and hinges. N ° 1: 20 mm thick aluminum plate for second trolley including floor fixing holes. The complete kit includes : N° 1 :  Arc in closed position made with profiles 100 mm x 100 mm x 4 thick. 20 mm thick floor fixing plate, lower gate support bracket in rest position, upper centering and anti-derailment carriage. No. 1: Aluminum support structure on the protruding side, made with a grid of aluminum profiles with a 100 mm x 100 mm section on a 20 mm thick fixing plate plus prearranged floor fixing holes. Complete with upper carriages for gate sliding and anti-derailment . The width of the structure will be proportionate to the size and model. N° 1 : Box with door for motor cover and wiring, equipped with lock and hinges.

  • Prestige Classic | Aluminuim gates classic |

    Collezione Cancelli in alluminio Collezione RANCH Collezione RANCH Questa collezione offre una combinazione eccellente di design, durabilità e resistenza, caratteristiche che definiscono la fascia alta del mercato. Aluminum gates Alutrend  La linea RANCH di cancelli in alluminio vi dà il benvenuto in un mondo di eleganza e robustezza, offrendo la soluzione ideale per chi desidera proteggere la propria proprietà con stile e affidabilità. I nostri cancelli sono progettati con l'obiettivo di assicurare la massima stabilità e sicurezza, grazie a montanti robusti e una struttura lato cerniere che ne garantisce la solidità. Dedichiamo particolare attenzione ai dettagli in ogni fase della produzione. La cerniera a scomparsa in acciaio inox non solo aggiunge un tocco di raffinatezza, ma assicura anche la durata nel tempo del sistema. La battuta centrale in alluminio pieno contribuisce alla resistenza complessiva del cancello, mentre la possibilità di scegliere tra diverse opzioni di tamponatura, come lamiera, profili tondi o profili quadrati, consente di personalizzare il cancello in base alle vostre esigenze estetiche e funzionali. La cura nei dettagli non si ferma qui. Ogni singolo accessorio è sottoposto a una verniciatura accurata per garantire una protezione duratura contro gli agenti atmosferici e la corrosione. Questo assicura che i nostri cancelli mantengano la loro bellezza e integrità nel corso degli anni, offrendovi una soluzione che unisce estetica e funzionalità al 100%. Con la linea RANCH, investite in un prodotto che riflette la nostra dedizione alla qualità e alla durabilità, offrendovi una sicurezza senza compromessi e uno stile senza eguali per la protezione della vostra proprietà. The finish is simply outstanding because we are on top of the range and very high quality products. Made with 99 mm slat. The peculiarity of this gate lies in the lower part where we have applied diagonal crosspieces. Unique character fits very well in traditional homes. The finish is simply outstanding because we are on top of the range and very high quality products. Made with 99 mm slat. The peculiarity of this gate lies in the lower part where we have applied diagonal crosspieces. Unique character fits very well in traditional homes. The finish is simply outstanding because we are on top of the range and very high quality products. Made with 99 mm slat. The peculiarity of this gate lies in the lower part where we have applied diagonal crosspieces. Unique character fits very well in traditional homes. The finish is simply outstanding because we are on top of the range and very high quality products. Made with 99 mm slat. The peculiarity of this gate lies in the lower part where we have applied diagonal crosspieces. Unique character fits very well in traditional homes. The finish is simply outstanding because we are on top of the range and very high quality products. Made with 99 mm slat. The peculiarity of this gate lies in the lower part where we have applied diagonal crosspieces. Unique character fits very well in traditional homes. The finish is simply outstanding because we are on top of the range and very high quality products. Made with 99 mm slat. The peculiarity of this gate lies in the lower part where we have applied diagonal crosspieces. Unique character fits very well in traditional homes. The finish is simply outstanding because we are on top of the range and very high quality products. Made with 99 mm slat. The peculiarity of this gate lies in the lower part where we have applied diagonal crosspieces. Unique character fits very well in traditional homes. Questo straordinario lavoro, con il suo elegante cancello Lian del codice 60600/DOGA 100, è stato realizzato e installato con maestria nel Regno Unito. Io Ogni singolo dettaglio di questo cancello è stato curato con attenzione, con doghe da 100 mm che adornano l'intera struttura. Tuttavia, è la disposizione verticale di queste doghe che rende il cancello veramente unico. La disposizione meticolosa conferisce a Lian un'eleganza senza paragoni. E non è tutto: la parte superiore è dominata da un arco classico, aggiungendo un tocco di eleganza senza tempo. Lian si presenta come la scelta perfetta per coloro che cercano un equilibrio armonioso tra design innovativo e richiami classici. Con Lian, puoi aggiungere un tocco di classe straordinaria al tuo spazio, elevando l'estetica e lo stile a nuovi livelli. Dall'immagine emerge chiaramente la dedizione alla qualità e alla sicurezza dei nostri prodotti, evidenziata dalle targhette delle certificazioni UNI EN. Questi distintivi rappresentano il nostro impegno senza compromessi per garantire standard elevati e affidabilità in ogni fase della produzione. Sono il simbolo tangibile della nostra costante ricerca dell'eccellenza e della sicurezza, offrendo la certezza che ogni prodotto che scegliete è stato sottoposto a rigorosi controlli e test conformi agli standard internazionali. La presenza di queste targhette non è solo un simbolo, ma una garanzia di qualità e sicurezza che accompagnano ogni nostro prodotto. Dall'osservazione di questa straordinaria immagine, l'eleganza e la raffinatezza emergono con una chiarezza senza pari, evidenziando la qualità artigianale del nostro personale altamente qualificato. Qui, nella parte interna del cancello, è possibile apprezzare ogni dettaglio che rivela la dedizione e l'impegno con cui le nostre vere opere d'arte vengono create. In particolare, l'attenzione si concentra sui ferma doghe, notevoli per la loro realizzazione con viti in acciaio inox. Questa scelta mirata non è casuale, ma riflette il nostro impegno a offrire il massimo al cliente. Le viti in acciaio inox non solo conferiscono una resistenza duratura, ma aggiungono anche un tocco di raffinatezza e classe al design complessivo. Ogni elemento, dall'artigianato alla scelta dei materiali, è pensato per offrire al cliente un'esperienza di qualità senza compromessi. In questa immagine, la precisione artigianale si fonde con la funzionalità, creando un'armonia che va oltre la semplice estetica, trasformando ogni creazione in un'autentica opera d'arte che va incontro alle aspettative più elevate dei nostri clienti. Dall'esame attento di questa immagine, svelerà la straordinaria raffinatezza e la qualità artigianale che il nostro personale altamente qualificato dedica con impegno alla creazione di autentiche opere d'arte. Qui, nella parte esterna del cancello, ogni dettaglio testimonia la perizia e la passione che permeano il nostro processo creativo. I ferma doghe catturano lo sguardo con la loro precisione artigianale, e ancor di più, la serratura di ultima generazione e tecnologica si fa notare con eleganza e funzionalità. Ogni componente è stato scelto con attenzione per garantire non solo una sicurezza senza compromessi, ma anche una estetica all'avanguardia. La serratura, simbolo di innovazione, non solo offre un livello superiore di sicurezza, ma si fonde armoniosamente con il design complessivo del cancello, aggiungendo un tocco di modernità e sofisticazione. Questa immagine racconta una storia di eccellenza artigianale e di ricerca continua della perfezione. Ogni elemento, dai dettagli artigianali alla tecnologia avanzata, convergono per creare un'esperienza visiva e funzionale mozzafiato. È il nostro impegno incessante a offrire opere d'arte funzionali che si integrano perfettamente con la vita quotidiana, portando al cliente non solo un cancello, ma un capolavoro che definisce lo standard di qualità e stile. internal view exterior view Ogni dettaglio, curato con precisione, racconta la storia della nostra dedizione alla perfezione. Particolarmente sorprendenti sono le barre trasversali, che emergono come elementi distintivi che rendono questo cancello unico nel suo genere. Ogni barra è stata plasmata con maestria per conferire al cancello un carattere unico e un fascino senza precedenti. La disposizione e la cura con cui sono state integrate rivelano l'arte artigianale che va oltre la semplice funzionalità, trasformando questo cancello in una vera e propria Questa immagine non è solo una rappresentazione visiva della nostra dedizione all'eccellenza, ma sottolinea anche l'unicità di questo straordinario cancello. Le barre trasversali non solo aggiungono un tocco di design contemporaneo, ma rappresentano l'essenza stessa di un'opera d'arte in ferro battuto. In ogni curva e dettaglio, si manifesta la nostra passione per creare non solo un cancello funzionale, ma un'opera di bellezza senza tempo, che trasforma l'ambiente circostante in uno scenario di eleganza e stile distintivo. Attraverso questa affascinante immagine, si palesa chiaramente la raffinatezza e l'alta qualità artigianale che il nostro personale altamente qualificato investe nella creazione di autentiche opere d'arte. Ogni dettaglio è un testamento dell'impegno e della passione che guidano il nostro processo creativo. Nella parte destra dell'immagine, il vostro sguardo sarà affascinato da un magnifico cancello pedonale, anch'esso appartenente alla prestigiosa collezione RANCH. Questo cancello è un'ulteriore esempio di come la raffinatezza e l'arte si fondono con la funzionalità. Le curve eleganti e la disposizione accurata di ogni elemento sottolineano l'attenzione meticulosa che caratterizza ogni nostro prodotto. In questo cancello pedonale, vedrete un'armonia di design e qualità artigianale, un connubio che trasforma la funzionalità in un'esperienza visiva straordinaria. La Collezione RANCH si rivela così non solo come un insieme di cancelli, ma come una serie di opere d'arte uniche, espressioni tangibili del nostro impegno per l'eccellenza. Guardando questa immagine, è impossibile non apprezzare la fusione di estetica e maestria artigianale, rendendo il cancello pedonale un'icona di eleganza e stile senza pari. Product features The thermo-lacquered paint provides a finish resistant to atmospheric agents and UV rays, thus ensuring a long life and easy maintenance. TIG and pulsed arc welding guarantees a perfect seal and greater mechanical resistance compared to traditional welding. The gate is designed to withstand the elements and open stresses, making it an ideal outdoor solution. The aluminum structure makes the gate light, but sturdy and resistant at the same time. The combination of welded and painted aluminum profiles with stainless steel elements provides excellent resistance to corrosion and rust. The structure of the gate is designed to guarantee high stability and resistance over time. The choice of high quality materials and careful workmanship guarantee an excellent quality product that can last for a long time and maintain its aesthetic appearance over time. Our finishes Our company uses a standard painting process for its products. The process includes several stages such as sandblasting, washing, drying, application of qualicoat polyester powder, baking and cooling. The company stands out for the painting of the disassembled parts of the product, in order to guarantee a greater coverage of the visible surfaces and a better quality of the treatment. For areas with a higher risk of oxidation, the company offers an additional treatment with an epoxy primer before powder coating, to increase the seal. We recommend the use of standard, embossed or rough colors to avoid some imperfections due to the manual processing of the product. The company recommends ordinary six-monthly or annual maintenance, depending on the installation area, which involves cleaning and washing the painted surfaces with neutral soaps to eliminate any atmospheric deposits from chemical treatment industries, saltiness, and lubricating the moving parts . Choose the type of coloring SPECIAL colors ROUGH colors RAL colours Electric lock CISA "Elettrika" is a safety solution for opening and closing our gates. It is certified up to grade 6 Security of the European standard EN 14846 and guarantees high resistance to burglary thanks to the rotating hook deadbolt. Furthermore, it is equipped with a steel protection shield to prevent access to the internal components of the lock. The lock has an automatic re-closing function with the Booster Plus module and a light signal that indicates the status of the door. The reloading system reduces the noise of the lock opening, and the rotating hook deadbolt guarantees immediate closure and the self-adjusting strike recovers misalignments over time. Furthermore, the "hold open" function allows you to manage the flow of accesses, and in the event of a malfunction of the remote control, it is possible to open the gate manually. Our profiles from we patented We are proud to present our patented profiles, made with pure 6060 aluminum primary alloy. Our attention to quality is reflected in the choice of this alloy, which guarantees robustness and long-term reliability. Our profiles are used for the construction of our gates and are characterized by a thickness of 5mm. This feature gives our products a higher resistance than those made with standard profiles. We are committed to providing high quality and superior performance solutions to our customers, and our patented profiles are one of our greatest achievements in this area. Trust our experience and our attention to detail for the realization of your projects. PERIMETER UPRIGHT Diameter 60mm x 60mm. Wall thickness 5mm CENTRAL CROSSBEAM Diameter 60mm x 60mm. Wall thickness 5mm SLIDING TRACK Diameter 60mm x 60mm. Wall thickness 5mm wainscot Diameter 60mm x 150mm . Wall thickness 5mm Ours certifications We are proud to present our certifications, which guarantee the quality and safety of our Alutrend gates. These certifications are the result of our constant effort to provide reliable and safe products to our customers. ​ In particular, our certifications confirm the resistance of our gates to bad weather and wind pressure, mechanical stability, safe opening and manoeuvrability. We are confident that our customers will appreciate the security and peace of mind of knowing they have a reliable product. ​ Furthermore, our attention to our surroundings is an important value for us. Confirmation of the absence of the release of dangerous substances during the use of our gates also guarantees safety for the surrounding environment. ​ In summary, our certifications are the guarantee of the quality and safety of our products, for the benefit of our customers and the surrounding environment. Su richiesta maniglioni inox R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Le nostre cerniere Abbiamo continuamente migliorato le nostre cerniere per garantire le migliori prestazioni possibili. Grazie alla nostra progettazione interna e alla tecnologia avanzata utilizzata nella loro fabbricazione, le nostre cerniere offrono una maggiore resistenza e durata, anche in condizioni climatiche estreme. Inoltre, la loro precisione di fabbricazione garantisce un'installazione semplice e precisa, senza la necessità di regolazioni complesse. Grazie alla nostra attenzione ai dettagli, le nostre cerniere ti consentono di regolare il cancello con estrema facilità, garantendo un'esperienza di utilizzo senza sforzi e un funzionamento fluido ed efficiente nel tempo. La nostra copri piastra Abbiamo continuamente cercato di migliorare le nostre cerniere per offrire il massimo delle prestazioni e dell'estetica. Dopo il processo di regolazione, le nostre cerniere sono rifinite con una copri piastra in alluminio pressofuso, progettata per resistere alle intemperie e durare a lungo nel tempo. La copri piastra in alluminio è disponibile in vari colori, in modo da poter scegliere quella che si abbina perfettamente al tuo cancello, conferendogli un aspetto elegante e moderno. La copri piastra non solo offre una finitura estetica perfetta, ma protegge anche le parti interne della cerniera dall'usura e dalla corrosione, prolungando la durata della cerniera stessa. Con la nostra copri piastra in alluminio, non solo avrai una cerniera funzionale e di alta qualità, ma anche un elemento di design che aggiungerà un tocco di classe al tuo cancello. Our welds ALUTREND specialists are committed to providing their customers with the best aluminum stationery products on the market, using only the most advanced manufacturing techniques. In particular, our team of experts carries out a work of great precision and attention in the welding of our aluminum gates, using cutting-edge techniques such as pulsed arc and tig welding. ​ ​ Thanks to the use of these latest generation welding techniques, our products are characterized by high resistance and stability over time, which guarantee excellent durability over the years. Furthermore, pulsed arc and tig welding allows to obtain a precise and superior quality welding, without compromising the aesthetics of the final product. ​ ​ Our aluminum gates are therefore the ideal choice for those who want a product of quality and reliability over time, without sacrificing elegance and design. At ALUTREND we are convinced that product quality is a fundamental element to ensure customer satisfaction, and for this reason we constantly invest in research and development of the most advanced production techniques. Ours certifications We are proud to present our certifications, which guarantee the quality and safety of our Alutrend gates. These certifications are the result of our constant effort to provide reliable and safe products to our customers. ​ In particular, our certifications confirm the resistance of our gates to bad weather and wind pressure, mechanical stability, safe opening and manoeuvrability. We are confident that our customers will appreciate the security and peace of mind of knowing they have a reliable product. ​ Furthermore, our attention to our surroundings is an important value for us. Confirmation of the absence of the release of dangerous substances during the use of our gates also guarantees safety for the surrounding environment. ​ In summary, our certifications are the guarantee of the quality and safety of our products, for the benefit of our customers and the surrounding environment. Vedi tutti i Progetti Esplora il nostro mondo di creatività e ispirazione tornando alla pagina dei progetti. Con una vasta gamma di opzioni, c'è qualcosa per tutti i gusti. Dai uno sguardo approfondito e scopri quello che può catturare la tua attenzione e soddisfare i tuoi desideri. Che tu sia alla ricerca di design innovativi, soluzioni pratiche o ispirazioni uniche, i nostri progetti offrono un ventaglio di possibilità. Read More

  • Prestige Classic | Aluminuim gates classic |

    Collezione Cancelli in alluminio Collezione DOGA 100 WOOD Collezione Doga wood Our gate is much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment in safety, elegance and durability. Made from the highest quality materials, such as 250mm wide slats and sheet metal panels, our gate has been designed to withstand the elements and damage caused by time, ensuring maximum protection for your home. Its solid and resistant structure also makes it an excellent solution for the safety of your home. You don't have to worry about break-ins or theft, because our gate is designed to resist any break-in attempt. Plus, the unique laser designs make it a truly distinctive and personalized addition to your property, one that will stand out from other homes in your vo. The processing of our gate has been carried out with the utmost attention to detail and care, to guarantee a product of the highest quality. Each stave has been carefully selected and crafted to create a unique and elegant effect. Vale DOGA 100 code: 70200 The DOGA WOOD model aluminum gate represents much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment that combines safety, elegance and durability. Its construction with the highest quality materials, such as 100 mm slats and sheet metal panels, ensures superior resistance to bad weather and damage caused by time, offering maximum protection for your home. This design has been designed to create a modern and sophisticated look. The use of aluminum slats with a wood-effect finish gives a touch of warmth and naturalness to the environment, while the solid-colored frames and sheet metal match the color of the slats perfectly. 99 mm aluminum slat with wood effect finish 99 mm aluminum slat with wood effect finish Emma DOGA 100 code: 70100 The DOGA WOOD model aluminum gate represents much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment that combines safety, elegance and durability. Its construction with the highest quality materials, such as 100 mm slats and sheet metal panels, ensures superior resistance to bad weather and damage caused by time, offering maximum protection for your home. This design has been designed to create a modern and sophisticated look. The use of aluminum slats with a wood-effect finish gives a touch of warmth and naturalness to the environment, while the solid-colored frames and sheet metal match the color of the slats perfectly. Emma DOGA 100 code: 70100 The DOGA WOOD model aluminum gate represents much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment that combines safety, elegance and durability. Its construction with the highest quality materials, such as 100 mm slats and sheet metal panels, ensures superior resistance to bad weather and damage caused by time, offering maximum protection for your home. This design has been designed to create a modern and sophisticated look. The use of aluminum slats with a wood-effect finish gives a touch of warmth and naturalness to the environment, while the solid-colored frames and sheet metal match the color of the slats perfectly. 99 mm aluminum slat with wood effect finish 99 mm aluminum slat with wood effect finish Emma DOGA 100 code: 70100 The DOGA WOOD model aluminum gate represents much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment that combines safety, elegance and durability. Its construction with the highest quality materials, such as 100 mm slats and sheet metal panels, ensures superior resistance to bad weather and damage caused by time, offering maximum protection for your home. This design has been designed to create a modern and sophisticated look. The use of aluminum slats with a wood-effect finish gives a touch of warmth and naturalness to the environment, while the solid-colored frames and sheet metal match the color of the slats perfectly. Emma DOGA 100 code: 70100 The DOGA WOOD model aluminum gate represents much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment that combines safety, elegance and durability. Its construction with the highest quality materials, such as 100 mm slats and sheet metal panels, ensures superior resistance to bad weather and damage caused by time, offering maximum protection for your home. This design has been designed to create a modern and sophisticated look. The use of aluminum slats with a wood-effect finish gives a touch of warmth and naturalness to the environment, while the solid-colored frames and sheet metal match the color of the slats perfectly. 99 mm aluminum slat with wood effect finish 99 mm aluminum slat with wood effect finish Emma DOGA 100 code: 70100 The DOGA WOOD model aluminum gate represents much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment that combines safety, elegance and durability. Its construction with the highest quality materials, such as 100 mm slats and sheet metal panels, ensures superior resistance to bad weather and damage caused by time, offering maximum protection for your home. This design has been designed to create a modern and sophisticated look. The use of aluminum slats with a wood-effect finish gives a touch of warmth and naturalness to the environment, while the solid-colored frames and sheet metal match the color of the slats perfectly. Emma DOGA 100 code: 70100 The DOGA WOOD model aluminum gate represents much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment that combines safety, elegance and durability. Its construction with the highest quality materials, such as 100 mm slats and sheet metal panels, ensures superior resistance to bad weather and damage caused by time, offering maximum protection for your home. This design has been designed to create a modern and sophisticated look. The use of aluminum slats with a wood-effect finish gives a touch of warmth and naturalness to the environment, while the solid-colored frames and sheet metal match the color of the slats perfectly. 99 mm aluminum slat with wood effect finish 99 mm aluminum slat with wood effect finish Emma DOGA 100 code: 70100 The DOGA WOOD model aluminum gate represents much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment that combines safety, elegance and durability. Its construction with the highest quality materials, such as 100 mm slats and sheet metal panels, ensures superior resistance to bad weather and damage caused by time, offering maximum protection for your home. This design has been designed to create a modern and sophisticated look. The use of aluminum slats with a wood-effect finish gives a touch of warmth and naturalness to the environment, while the solid-colored frames and sheet metal match the color of the slats perfectly. Emma DOGA 100 code: 70100 The DOGA WOOD model aluminum gate represents much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment that combines safety, elegance and durability. Its construction with the highest quality materials, such as 100 mm slats and sheet metal panels, ensures superior resistance to bad weather and damage caused by time, offering maximum protection for your home. This design has been designed to create a modern and sophisticated look. The use of aluminum slats with a wood-effect finish gives a touch of warmth and naturalness to the environment, while the solid-colored frames and sheet metal match the color of the slats perfectly. 99 mm aluminum slat with wood effect finish Color graphics Product features The thermo-lacquered paint provides a finish resistant to atmospheric agents and UV rays, thus ensuring a long life and easy maintenance. TIG and pulsed arc welding guarantees a perfect seal and greater mechanical resistance compared to traditional welding. The gate is designed to withstand the elements and open stresses, making it an ideal outdoor solution. The aluminum structure makes the gate light, but sturdy and resistant at the same time. The combination of welded and painted aluminum profiles with stainless steel elements provides excellent resistance to corrosion and rust. The structure of the gate is designed to guarantee high stability and resistance over time. The choice of high quality materials and careful workmanship guarantee an excellent quality product that can last for a long time and maintain its aesthetic appearance over time. Our finishes Our company uses a standard painting process for its products. The process includes several stages such as sandblasting, washing, drying, application of qualicoat polyester powder, baking and cooling. The company stands out for the painting of the disassembled parts of the product, in order to guarantee a greater coverage of the visible surfaces and a better quality of the treatment. For areas with a higher risk of oxidation, the company offers an additional treatment with an epoxy primer before powder coating, to increase the seal. We recommend the use of standard, embossed or rough colors to avoid some imperfections due to the manual processing of the product. The company recommends ordinary six-monthly or annual maintenance, depending on the installation area, which involves cleaning and washing the painted surfaces with neutral soaps to eliminate any atmospheric deposits from chemical treatment industries, saltiness, and lubricating the moving parts . Choose the type of coloring SPECIAL colors ROUGH colors RAL colours Electric lock CISA "Elettrika" is a safety solution for opening and closing our gates. It is certified up to grade 6 Security of the European standard EN 14846 and guarantees high resistance to burglary thanks to the rotating hook deadbolt. Furthermore, it is equipped with a steel protection shield to prevent access to the internal components of the lock. The lock has an automatic re-closing function with the Booster Plus module and a light signal that indicates the status of the door. The reloading system reduces the noise of the lock opening, and the rotating hook deadbolt guarantees immediate closure and the self-adjusting strike recovers misalignments over time. Furthermore, the "hold open" function allows you to manage the flow of accesses, and in the event of a malfunction of the remote control, it is possible to open the gate manually. Our profiles from we patented We are proud to present our patented profiles, made with pure 6060 aluminum primary alloy. Our attention to quality is reflected in the choice of this alloy, which guarantees robustness and long-term reliability. Our profiles are used for the construction of our gates and are characterized by a thickness of 5mm. This feature gives our products a higher resistance than those made with standard profiles. We are committed to providing high quality and superior performance solutions to our customers, and our patented profiles are one of our greatest achievements in this area. Trust our experience and our attention to detail for the realization of your projects. PERIMETER UPRIGHT Diameter 60mm x 60mm. Wall thickness 5mm CENTRAL CROSSBEAM Diameter 60mm x 60mm. Wall thickness 5mm SLIDING TRACK Diameter 60mm x 60mm. Wall thickness 5mm wainscot Diameter 60mm x 150mm . Wall thickness 5mm Ours certifications We are proud to present our certifications, which guarantee the quality and safety of our Alutrend gates. These certifications are the result of our constant effort to provide reliable and safe products to our customers. ​ In particular, our certifications confirm the resistance of our gates to bad weather and wind pressure, mechanical stability, safe opening and manoeuvrability. We are confident that our customers will appreciate the security and peace of mind of knowing they have a reliable product. ​ Furthermore, our attention to our surroundings is an important value for us. Confirmation of the absence of the release of dangerous substances during the use of our gates also guarantees safety for the surrounding environment. ​ In summary, our certifications are the guarantee of the quality and safety of our products, for the benefit of our customers and the surrounding environment. Su richiesta maniglioni inox R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Le nostre cerniere Abbiamo continuamente migliorato le nostre cerniere per garantire le migliori prestazioni possibili. Grazie alla nostra progettazione interna e alla tecnologia avanzata utilizzata nella loro fabbricazione, le nostre cerniere offrono una maggiore resistenza e durata, anche in condizioni climatiche estreme. Inoltre, la loro precisione di fabbricazione garantisce un'installazione semplice e precisa, senza la necessità di regolazioni complesse. Grazie alla nostra attenzione ai dettagli, le nostre cerniere ti consentono di regolare il cancello con estrema facilità, garantendo un'esperienza di utilizzo senza sforzi e un funzionamento fluido ed efficiente nel tempo. La nostra copri piastra Abbiamo continuamente cercato di migliorare le nostre cerniere per offrire il massimo delle prestazioni e dell'estetica. Dopo il processo di regolazione, le nostre cerniere sono rifinite con una copri piastra in alluminio pressofuso, progettata per resistere alle intemperie e durare a lungo nel tempo. La copri piastra in alluminio è disponibile in vari colori, in modo da poter scegliere quella che si abbina perfettamente al tuo cancello, conferendogli un aspetto elegante e moderno. La copri piastra non solo offre una finitura estetica perfetta, ma protegge anche le parti interne della cerniera dall'usura e dalla corrosione, prolungando la durata della cerniera stessa. Con la nostra copri piastra in alluminio, non solo avrai una cerniera funzionale e di alta qualità, ma anche un elemento di design che aggiungerà un tocco di classe al tuo cancello. Our welds ALUTREND specialists are committed to providing their customers with the best aluminum stationery products on the market, using only the most advanced manufacturing techniques. In particular, our team of experts carries out a work of great precision and attention in the welding of our aluminum gates, using cutting-edge techniques such as pulsed arc and tig welding. ​ ​ Thanks to the use of these latest generation welding techniques, our products are characterized by high resistance and stability over time, which guarantee excellent durability over the years. Furthermore, pulsed arc and tig welding allows to obtain a precise and superior quality welding, without compromising the aesthetics of the final product. ​ ​ Our aluminum gates are therefore the ideal choice for those who want a product of quality and reliability over time, without sacrificing elegance and design. At ALUTREND we are convinced that product quality is a fundamental element to ensure customer satisfaction, and for this reason we constantly invest in research and development of the most advanced production techniques. Ours certifications We are proud to present our certifications, which guarantee the quality and safety of our Alutrend gates. These certifications are the result of our constant effort to provide reliable and safe products to our customers. ​ In particular, our certifications confirm the resistance of our gates to bad weather and wind pressure, mechanical stability, safe opening and manoeuvrability. We are confident that our customers will appreciate the security and peace of mind of knowing they have a reliable product. ​ Furthermore, our attention to our surroundings is an important value for us. Confirmation of the absence of the release of dangerous substances during the use of our gates also guarantees safety for the surrounding environment. ​ In summary, our certifications are the guarantee of the quality and safety of our products, for the benefit of our customers and the surrounding environment. Vedi tutti i Progetti Esplora il nostro mondo di creatività e ispirazione tornando alla pagina dei progetti. Con una vasta gamma di opzioni, c'è qualcosa per tutti i gusti. Dai uno sguardo approfondito e scopri quello che può catturare la tua attenzione e soddisfare i tuoi desideri. Che tu sia alla ricerca di design innovativi, soluzioni pratiche o ispirazioni uniche, i nostri progetti offrono un ventaglio di possibilità. Read More

  • Cancelli in alluminio monoblocchi automatici | Italia

    Collezione Cancelli in alluminio MONOBLOCCHI Monoblocchi ALUTREND Alutrend offers a monobloc structure complete with NICE automation on all its gates, supplied with wiring ready for power supply. We offer high quality and custom made gates, with steel substructures, available in both manual and automatic versions. Our gates can be requested in standard or bespoke designs and feature robust 60mm x 60mm profiles with a wall thickness of 5mm. The infill panels are available in 4 mm thick sheet metal and, on request, also in tempered glass. We use hinges of our production with cover in painted aluminum sheet. Our support columns are available in two variants: finished or stacked. The finished columns are 200mm x 200mm in diameter and can be painted to customer preference, while the columns to be covered are 120mm x 120mm in diameter. Our swing gates are equipped with NICE underground automation, included in the X-FABKIT 2124 UNUSUAL GATE kit, which includes 2 XMBOX gearmotors, 2 ON2E foundation boxes and 1 MC824 transmitter at 433.92 MHz with 2 channels. Furthermore, all our sliding gates are equipped with NICE automation, included in the NICE ROBUS BT RB400KCE 24V kit, with NICE GATE OPENER and NICE 400 SLIDING GATE. Both types of gates are equipped with standard accessories such as automation, setback, UNI-EN certifications and the gate's serial number, as well as the installation, use and maintenance manual. Our aluminum gates are available in different types, including double leaf swing, side sliding and cantilever sliding without the aid of wheels and sliding track. AUTOMATIK AUTOMATIK: The first turnkey automatic gate. ​ Automatik Chiavi in Mano represents the ideal solution for those looking for a high quality monobloc automatic gate. Thanks to the integrated automation, this product has been completely designed and manufactured in the factory, thus ensuring maximum efficiency and safety. With Automatik, ALUTREND offers an exclusive product characterized by high professional standards. It is a unique and exclusive product offered by ALUTREND. See more MODULAR AUTOMATIK ​ ​ The AUTOMATIK MODULAR gate represents the perfect solution for those looking for a high quality product and advanced technology. Thanks to its monobloc structure, this gate guarantees greater strength and durability, reducing the necessary maintenance to a minimum. The built-in automation also allows for greater security and ease of use, ensuring a stress-free experience for the customer. Relying on the AUTOMATIK MODULAR gate means choosing the quality, reliability and professionalism of a leading company in the sector. ​ It is a unique and exclusive By ALUTREND product See more box . integrated With Box.integrate's sliding gate quick assembly kit, you can be sure you're getting quality and reliability for your gate. Installing our kit is quick and easy, saving you time and effort. We are committed to providing you with a strong and durable construction so that you can enjoy your sliding gate without worry. We know how important the safety and stability of your gate is, which is why we have designed our kit with attention to detail. When you choose Box.integrate, you are opting for a professional and high-end solution. Our experience in the sliding gate industry allows us to offer products and services that meet your needs. You can count on the quality of our materials and the precision of our assembly instructions See more box . integrated With Box.integrate's sliding gate quick assembly kit, you can be sure you're getting quality and reliability for your gate. Installing our kit is quick and easy, saving you time and effort. We are committed to providing you with a strong and durable construction so that you can enjoy your sliding gate without worry. We know how important the safety and stability of your gate is, which is why we have designed our kit with attention to detail. When you choose Box.integrate, you are opting for a professional and high-end solution. Our experience in the sliding gate industry allows us to offer products and services that meet your needs. You can count on the quality of our materials and the precision of our assembly instructions See more

  • Prestige Classic | Aluminuim gates classic |

    Collezione Cancelli in alluminio Collezione DOGA 250 Modello LUNA GLASS con doghe da 250 mm Collezione Doga 250 Our gate is much more than a simple piece of furniture for your property. It is an investment in safety, elegance and durability. Made from the highest quality materials, such as 250mm wide slats and sheet metal panels, our gate has been designed to withstand the elements and damage caused by time, ensuring maximum protection for your home. Its solid and resistant structure also makes it an excellent solution for the safety of your home. You don't have to worry about break-ins or theft, because our gate is designed to resist any break-in attempt. Plus, the unique laser designs make it a truly distinctive and personalized addition to your property, one that will stand out from other homes in your vo. The processing of our gate has been carried out with the utmost attention to detail and care, to guarantee a product of the highest quality. Each stave has been carefully selected and crafted to create a unique and elegant effect. The gate is equipped with glazed panels with 10 mm laminated visarm glass, which bring brightness to the entrance of your home. The combination of slats and glazed panels makes our gate suitable for homes of all styles, from the most traditional to the most contemporary. In addition, our gate can be customized according to your needs, with different sizes and shapes to suit your outdoor space. In conclusion, our gate represents a harmonious union of beauty and functionality. Choosing our product means opting for a unique and elegant piece of furniture, which will stand out from the other houses on your street. Thanks to its solidity, resistance and personalization, our gate will guarantee maximum security and peace of mind for your home. Elisa stave 250 If you are looking for a gate that ensures maximum privacy without compromising aesthetics and style, the ELISA model with code 90100 in aluminum is what you need! Thanks to its wide 250 mm wide horizontal slats, this gate will guarantee you total privacy by preventing visibility from the outside. But it is not only the functionality that distinguishes this product. Its unique and modern design, characterized by slats with elegant and original shapes, adapts perfectly to modern homes, offering a touch of style and elegance at the entrance of your home. With our ELISA model aluminum gate with code 90100, you can have the beauty and functionality of a high quality product. You no longer have to choose between privacy and attractive, functional design – with our product you get both. Don't miss the opportunity to distinguish yourself with style, choose our gate and enjoy your privacy without giving up elegance! You will certainly be satisfied with your choice. See more Zoelie stave 250 Discover our most recent jewel: the Zoeliè DOGA gate, 250mm! With an avant-garde design and expertly laser cut 4mm sheet metal, this gate is a true masterpiece. Let its elegance enhance the aesthetics of any environment. Don't accept compromises: opt for the DOGA pedestrian gate and treat yourself to a secure entrance with a breathtaking charm. Take control of your space with style and confidence. Choose excellence, choose DOGA! See more Elise GLASS The Elisa Glass model Extreme collection aluminum gate is the perfect solution for those looking for a functional product with a modern and elegant design. Its aluminum structure and large 250 mm wide horizontal slats guarantee total privacy by preventing visibility from the outside. Furthermore, the gate is available with both clear and frosted laminated glass, offering a personalized choice for every taste and need. But it's not just the functionality that makes this product unique. The design of the slats, with elegant and original shapes, adapts perfectly to modern homes, offering a touch of style and elegance at the entrance of your home. The ELISA model aluminum gate with code90100/GLASS it is a high quality product, which combines beauty and functionality in a single solution. With this product, you no longer have to choose between privacy and attractive, functional design – you can have both. See more Luna GLASS d oga 250 The aluminum gate from the Extreme model collection LUNA Glass it is the perfect solution for those looking for a functional product with a modern and elegant design. Its aluminum structure and large 250 mm wide horizontal slats guarantee total privacy by preventing visibility from the outside. Furthermore, the gate is available with both clear and frosted laminated glass, offering a personalized choice for every taste and need. But it's not just the functionality that makes this product unique. The design of the slats, with elegant and original shapes, adapts perfectly to modern homes, offering a touch of style and elegance at the entrance of your home. The model aluminum gateMOON GLASS with code90271/GLASS it is a high quality product, which combines beauty and functionality in a single solution. With this product, you no longer have to choose between privacy and attractive, functional design – you can have both. Vedi di più Sveva doga 250 The ALICE model aluminum gate with code 90261 is made with 4 mm thick aluminum sheet and has a unique and elegant laser design. Its large 250 mm wide horizontal slats create a modern and contemporary effect, perfect for those looking for a product with an attractive design. The structure of the gate is solid and resistant thanks to the quality of the aluminum used and its thick sheet metal. This makes it perfect for withstanding bad weather and adverse weather conditions, ensuring durability over time. Furthermore, the laser design on the sheet metal gives the gate an elegant and sophisticated finish, which adapts perfectly to any architectural context. The ALICE model is ideal for those who want a durable, functional product with a great aesthetic impact at the same time. Finally, the processing of aluminum takes place in compliance with the highest quality standards, to guarantee a final product of great reliability and safety. See more Marinè stave 250 We are thrilled to introduce our latest product, the Mariè model high quality aluminum gate. This gate features a perfect combination of elegant design and premium materials making it an excellent choice for any discerning owner. With its sturdy aluminum construction, this gate is built to last. The DOGA 250mm stave makes it particularly resistant and suitable for facing bad weather and daily stress. Furthermore, thanks to the 4 mm thick aluminum sheet, the gate offers additional protection against external influences and wear. See more Yvonnè stave 250 We are pleased to present our latest product: the Yvonnè gate with 250 mm slats. This gate stands out for its modern and elegant design, made with care and precision using laser technology. One of the main features of the Yvonnè gate is the use of a 4 mm thick sheet. This thickness gives the gate a solid structure and greater strength. The sheet metal has been worked with care and precision using laser technology, which ensures a high quality and detailed finish. The 250mm wide gate slats add a modern touch and give the gate a distinctive look. The arrangement of the slats has been carefully designed to obtain a pleasant and contemporary visual effect. The Yvonnè gate not only stands out for its design and sturdiness, but it is also designed to offer optimal functionality. Its solid and resistant structure ensures effective and long-lasting protection for your property. See more Vanillè stave 250 Welcome to the world of Vanillè, the gate that combines modern design with excellent materials. If you are looking for a unique gate of its kind, the Vanillè model code: 902 in aluminum is the perfect solution for you. We are thrilled to introduce you to our latest product, a gate that represents the pinnacle of aluminum quality. This gate offers a perfect combination of elegant design and premium materials, making it an outstanding choice for the most demanding owners. The sturdy aluminum structure guarantees a long life over time. The 250mm DOGA stave gives the gate extra strength, allowing it to face the bad weather and daily challenges without problems. In addition, the thick 4mm aluminum sheet provides extra protection against external influences and wear and tear, ensuring that the gate retains its original beauty over the years. See more SHERRY stave 250 Not only is our gate SHERRY code: 90211 extremely functional, but it is also a real jewel for the eyes. The modern and unique design of this gate will catch the eye of all who pass in front of your property. The combination of clean lines and high quality materials gives this gate a contemporary and sophisticated look. In addition to its captivating appearance, the SHERRY gate code: 90211 is also extremely practical to use. Thanks to its smooth and silent opening and closing system, you will have no problem getting in and out of your property. Furthermore, the gate can be equipped with an advanced automation system, which will allow you to conveniently control it remotely. See more MARJORIE stave 250 Are you looking for something truly extraordinary for your property? Well, we have the perfect answer for you: the MARJORIE aluminum gate code: 90221. This gate is synonymous with modernity and originality, and will surely be the distinctive element that will make your home one of a kind. Our team is thrilled to present you our latest product, a high quality aluminum gate that represents the perfect blend of elegant design and premium materials. Every detail has been carefully taken care of to satisfy even the most demanding owners. The sturdy aluminum structure of this gate has been designed to withstand the passage of time and the most adverse weather conditions. The DOGA 250mm stave gives this gate exceptional strength, guaranteeing its durability and ability to deal with daily stresses without problems. The 4mm thick aluminum sheet offers extra protection against external influences and wear and tear, ensuring that the gate retains its beauty and functionality over the years. See more Product features The thermo-lacquered paint provides a finish resistant to atmospheric agents and UV rays, thus ensuring a long life and easy maintenance. TIG and pulsed arc welding guarantees a perfect seal and greater mechanical resistance compared to traditional welding. The gate is designed to withstand the elements and open stresses, making it an ideal outdoor solution. The aluminum structure makes the gate light, but sturdy and resistant at the same time. The combination of welded and painted aluminum profiles with stainless steel elements provides excellent resistance to corrosion and rust. The structure of the gate is designed to guarantee high stability and resistance over time. The choice of high quality materials and careful workmanship guarantee an excellent quality product that can last for a long time and maintain its aesthetic appearance over time. Our finishes Our company uses a standard painting process for its products. The process includes several stages such as sandblasting, washing, drying, application of qualicoat polyester powder, baking and cooling. The company stands out for the painting of the disassembled parts of the product, in order to guarantee a greater coverage of the visible surfaces and a better quality of the treatment. For areas with a higher risk of oxidation, the company offers an additional treatment with an epoxy primer before powder coating, to increase the seal. We recommend the use of standard, embossed or rough colors to avoid some imperfections due to the manual processing of the product. The company recommends ordinary six-monthly or annual maintenance, depending on the installation area, which involves cleaning and washing the painted surfaces with neutral soaps to eliminate any atmospheric deposits from chemical treatment industries, saltiness, and lubricating the moving parts . Choose the type of coloring SPECIAL colors ROUGH colors RAL colours Electric lock CISA "Elettrika" is a safety solution for opening and closing our gates. It is certified up to grade 6 Security of the European standard EN 14846 and guarantees high resistance to burglary thanks to the rotating hook deadbolt. Furthermore, it is equipped with a steel protection shield to prevent access to the internal components of the lock. The lock has an automatic re-closing function with the Booster Plus module and a light signal that indicates the status of the door. The reloading system reduces the noise of the lock opening, and the rotating hook deadbolt guarantees immediate closure and the self-adjusting strike recovers misalignments over time. Furthermore, the "hold open" function allows you to manage the flow of accesses, and in the event of a malfunction of the remote control, it is possible to open the gate manually. Our profiles from we patented We are proud to present our patented profiles, made with pure 6060 aluminum primary alloy. Our attention to quality is reflected in the choice of this alloy, which guarantees robustness and long-term reliability. Our profiles are used for the construction of our gates and are characterized by a thickness of 5mm. This feature gives our products a higher resistance than those made with standard profiles. We are committed to providing high quality and superior performance solutions to our customers, and our patented profiles are one of our greatest achievements in this area. Trust our experience and our attention to detail for the realization of your projects. PERIMETER UPRIGHT Diameter 60mm x 60mm. Wall thickness 5mm CENTRAL CROSSBEAM Diameter 60mm x 60mm. Wall thickness 5mm SLIDING TRACK Diameter 60mm x 60mm. Wall thickness 5mm wainscot Diameter 60mm x 150mm . Wall thickness 5mm Ours certifications We are proud to present our certifications, which guarantee the quality and safety of our Alutrend gates. These certifications are the result of our constant effort to provide reliable and safe products to our customers. ​ In particular, our certifications confirm the resistance of our gates to bad weather and wind pressure, mechanical stability, safe opening and manoeuvrability. We are confident that our customers will appreciate the security and peace of mind of knowing they have a reliable product. ​ Furthermore, our attention to our surroundings is an important value for us. Confirmation of the absence of the release of dangerous substances during the use of our gates also guarantees safety for the surrounding environment. ​ In summary, our certifications are the guarantee of the quality and safety of our products, for the benefit of our customers and the surrounding environment. Su richiesta maniglioni inox R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Le nostre cerniere Abbiamo continuamente migliorato le nostre cerniere per garantire le migliori prestazioni possibili. Grazie alla nostra progettazione interna e alla tecnologia avanzata utilizzata nella loro fabbricazione, le nostre cerniere offrono una maggiore resistenza e durata, anche in condizioni climatiche estreme. Inoltre, la loro precisione di fabbricazione garantisce un'installazione semplice e precisa, senza la necessità di regolazioni complesse. Grazie alla nostra attenzione ai dettagli, le nostre cerniere ti consentono di regolare il cancello con estrema facilità, garantendo un'esperienza di utilizzo senza sforzi e un funzionamento fluido ed efficiente nel tempo. La nostra copri piastra Abbiamo continuamente cercato di migliorare le nostre cerniere per offrire il massimo delle prestazioni e dell'estetica. Dopo il processo di regolazione, le nostre cerniere sono rifinite con una copri piastra in alluminio pressofuso, progettata per resistere alle intemperie e durare a lungo nel tempo. La copri piastra in alluminio è disponibile in vari colori, in modo da poter scegliere quella che si abbina perfettamente al tuo cancello, conferendogli un aspetto elegante e moderno. La copri piastra non solo offre una finitura estetica perfetta, ma protegge anche le parti interne della cerniera dall'usura e dalla corrosione, prolungando la durata della cerniera stessa. Con la nostra copri piastra in alluminio, non solo avrai una cerniera funzionale e di alta qualità, ma anche un elemento di design che aggiungerà un tocco di classe al tuo cancello. Our welds ALUTREND specialists are committed to providing their customers with the best aluminum stationery products on the market, using only the most advanced manufacturing techniques. In particular, our team of experts carries out a work of great precision and attention in the welding of our aluminum gates, using cutting-edge techniques such as pulsed arc and tig welding. ​ ​ Thanks to the use of these latest generation welding techniques, our products are characterized by high resistance and stability over time, which guarantee excellent durability over the years. Furthermore, pulsed arc and tig welding allows to obtain a precise and superior quality welding, without compromising the aesthetics of the final product. ​ ​ Our aluminum gates are therefore the ideal choice for those who want a product of quality and reliability over time, without sacrificing elegance and design. At ALUTREND we are convinced that product quality is a fundamental element to ensure customer satisfaction, and for this reason we constantly invest in research and development of the most advanced production techniques. Ours certifications We are proud to present our certifications, which guarantee the quality and safety of our Alutrend gates. These certifications are the result of our constant effort to provide reliable and safe products to our customers. ​ In particular, our certifications confirm the resistance of our gates to bad weather and wind pressure, mechanical stability, safe opening and manoeuvrability. We are confident that our customers will appreciate the security and peace of mind of knowing they have a reliable product. ​ Furthermore, our attention to our surroundings is an important value for us. Confirmation of the absence of the release of dangerous substances during the use of our gates also guarantees safety for the surrounding environment. ​ In summary, our certifications are the guarantee of the quality and safety of our products, for the benefit of our customers and the surrounding environment. Vedi tutti i Progetti Esplora il nostro mondo di creatività e ispirazione tornando alla pagina dei progetti. Con una vasta gamma di opzioni, c'è qualcosa per tutti i gusti. Dai uno sguardo approfondito e scopri quello che può catturare la tua attenzione e soddisfare i tuoi desideri. Che tu sia alla ricerca di design innovativi, soluzioni pratiche o ispirazioni uniche, i nostri progetti offrono un ventaglio di possibilità. Read More

  • PLUS fence |

    Collezione Cancelli in alluminio Collezione RECINZIONI PLUS Recinzioni e Balaustre PLUS Le recinzioni e parapetti in alluminio della collezione Plus sono una soluzione elegante e resistente per delimitare spazi e creare barriere protettive. Questi prodotti sono progettati con grande attenzione ai dettagli, utilizzando materiali di alta qualità per garantire durata e funzionalità. ​ Le principali caratteristiche della recinzione in alluminio della collezione Plus includono: ​ Montanti robusti: I montanti sono realizzati con profili quadrati da 50 x 50 mm, con pareti spesse di 3 mm. Questa costruzione solida conferisce alla recinzione una notevole stabilità e resistenza agli agenti atmosferici. Paletti interni: Gli spazi tra i montanti sono supportati da paletti interni realizzati in tubolare tondo da 20 mm con pareti di 1,5 mm. Questi paletti garantiscono che la recinzione rimanga dritta e coesa, anche in condizioni sfidanti. Tappo superiore elegante: Ogni montante è dotato di un tappo superiore realizzato in alluminio pieno mediante pressofusione. Questi tappi hanno una forma piramidale che aggiunge un tocco di eleganza al design complessivo della recinzione. Piastra di fissaggio sicura: Per ancorare saldamente la recinzione al pavimento, è inclusa una piastra di fissaggio in alluminio pieno, con un diametro di 110 mm. Questa piastra offre una stabilità aggiuntiva e assicura che la recinzione rimanga saldamente ancorata. Tappi paletti in plastica: Per una finitura pulita e senza sporgenze, i tappi dei paletti sono realizzati in plastica nera. Questi tappi contribuiscono a evitare che l'acqua o la sporcizia si accumulino all'interno dei paletti, mantenendo la recinzione in ottime condizioni nel tempo. Le recinzioni e parapetti in alluminio della collezione Plus non solo offrono protezione, ma si integrano anche perfettamente nell'ambiente circostante grazie al loro design elegante e alla qualità dei materiali utilizzati. Sia che tu stia cercando una soluzione per il tuo giardino, la tua azienda o qualsiasi altro spazio, queste recinzioni in alluminio rappresentano un'ottima scelta per garantire sicurezza e stile. Recinzione PLUS No rust and no maintenance !! Pannello realizzato con montanti da 50 mm x 50 mm spessore delle pareti 3mm. Aste verticali interni realizzati in tubolare tondo da 20mm spessore delle pareti 1,5mm. Tappo superiore montante in alluminio pieno in presso fusione a forma piramidale. Piastra di fissaggio a pavimento in alluminio pieno in pressofusione di diametro 110mm. Tappi paletti in plastica neri. Aluminum upright 50 x 50 x 3 mm Solid aluminum fixing plate Pyramid-shaped aluminum cap Balaustra PLUS " con fissaggio a pavimento " Caratteristiche : Pannello realizzato con montanti da 50 mm x 50 mm spessore delle pareti 3mm. Aste verticali interni realizzati in tubolare tondo da 20mm spessore delle pareti 1,5mm. Tappo superiore montante in alluminio pieno in presso fusione a forma piramidale. Piastra di fissaggio a pavimento in alluminio pieno in pressofusione di diametro 110mm. Tappi paletti in plastica neri. ​ Corrimano in alluminio di diametro 60 mm x 40 mm applicazione a scatto. Balaustra PLUS " con fissaggio frontale " Caratteristiche : Pannello realizzato con montanti da 50 mm x 50 mm spessore delle pareti 3mm. Aste verticali interni realizzati in tubolare tondo da 20mm spessore delle pareti 1,5mm. Tappo superiore montante in alluminio pieno in presso fusione a forma piramidale. Piastra di fissaggio a pavimento in alluminio pieno in pressofusione di diametro 110mm. Tappi paletti in plastica neri. ​ Corrimano in alluminio di diametro 60 mm x 40 mm applicazione a scatto. Montante in alluminio 50 mm x 50 mm x parete 3 mm Opzione di fissaggio con fissaggio frontale


Per garantire una corretta elaborazione del preventivo, Vi preghiamo di fornirci le seguenti informazioni dettagliate relative al cancello che desiderate acquistare:

1) Nome del cancello o della recinzione
2) Codice del cancello o della recinzione
3) Codice colore del prodotto
4) Larghezza del cancello da interno colonne.
5) Altezza da pavimento a 10 centimetri meno dal termine della colonna superiore.
6) Indicare il tipo di apertura tra le seguenti opzioni:
7) Apertura ad una anta, detto Pedonale.
8) Apertura a due ante a battente.
9) Apertura Scorrevole laterale con ruote.
10) Apertura scorrevole a sbalzo senza l'ausilio delle ruote.
11) Specificare se il cancello deve essere dotato di sottostruttura in acciaio e se deve essere automatizzato.
12) Indicare se desiderate la nostra installazione.
13) Specificare se avete bisogno di un nostro sopralluogo per prelevare le misure ed eventuali consigli.

Queste informazioni ci permetteranno di formulare un preventivo personalizzato in base alle Vostre esigenze specifiche. Restiamo a disposizione per ulteriori chiarimenti e per assistervi in ogni fase del processo.

Grazie per la collaborazione.

Aluminium gate | Cancello in alluminio |
CE marking in accordance with the EN 13-241 standard.
Aluminium gate | Cancello in alluminio |
Welded with pulsed arc welding machine, and TIG
Aluminium gate | Cancello in alluminio |
Weather resistant
Aluminium gate | Cancello in alluminio |
Custom Made 
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Cancelli in alluminio

Via del Puglia Loc. Bivio Pomonte

06035 Gualdo Cattaneo (PG) Italy

Per informazioni contatta 

Antonio Velardi

Consulente tecnico


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