Welded aluminum gate with panel design [ TECTIVE ]
ARCtrend aluminum gates with design panels [ TECTIVE ] are mass-colored without painting, with a sandblasted surface. It has a natural look and is characterized by recurring color nuances in the material.
Each panel is unique and reveals the intimate raw structure of the ecological fiber cement, while the surface is characterized by fine sanding lines and small white spots. The slabs are treated with a hydrophobic product on the visible face and back to prevent moisture from entering the core of the panel.
The design gate[tective]it is a mass-coloured slab characterized by a sandblasted finish, with shades of color recurring naturally in the material.
The slightly rough and striated surface, unpainted but protected by a water-repellent treatment, reveals the original character of the untreated ecological fiber cement.
The particular production process makes each panel unique, with slight differences in tone which give the face of the gate a dynamic, elegant and modern character.
Finishing: sandblasted, with fine sanding lines. Appearance: natural, dynamic.
Features: Natural color variation, accentuated by panel orientation and viewing angle. The panel [tective]it is available in 9 colors.
Panel finishes [ tective ]
Panel technical specifications [ tective ]
Finish:Fine sanding lines.
Appearance:Dry, lively, dynamic.
Natural color differences, which can be accentuated by panel orientation, viewing angle, and the effects of light and humidity.
fire resistance (do not catch fire, do not spread fire)
resistance to temperature extremes and frost
water resistance (when installed in accordance with installation guidelines)
resistance to many living organisms (fungi, bacteria, insects, bugs, parasites, etc.)
resistance to many chemicals
eco-sustainable, no harmful gas emissions
solidity and lightness